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Electroriental dub is now ready to invade the sound-systems!

Fedayi Pacha has been fusing dub and oriental sounds since 2003, when he joined Bangarang, the dub collective from St Etienne/France. He mixes in his studio samples and guest musicians, computer and duduk (armenian oboe) draw with sound effects a landscape that streches from the Balkans to India.

After a bunch of featurings on different compilations (Combat Dub II, French Dub System, I Dub You....) the first album, “Dub Works (in mysterious waves)”, was released in 2005. Dub appeared as a producer music but technology allowes now to bring the entire studio on stage, exposing the deconstruction/reconstruction process. New musical encounters resulted from these concerts, which, besides France, took Fedayi Pacha to Slovenia, Morocco, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sweden, Belgium, Italy or Kosovo...

In 2007, a second album, “The 99 Names of Dub” was released, aswell as a visual counterpart for the live act, in collaboration with graphic and video artists (la fourmi/PTX). After some remixes and featurings for the metal of Soulfly or the electro-jazz of Laurent de Wilde, 2009 is the year of the release of "From The Oriental School Of Dub" This new record features more than 15 guests, including Alexander Hacke, founding member of the German band Einstürzende Neubauten, Philippe "Garbancito" Teboul from Mano Negra Radio Bemba, Raf, the bass player of Brain Damage, Kobé, from Babylon Fighters...

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