
Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons - Part 1

by Iain Davis on Off Guardian

audio version

The people who none of us elect, who ultimately control international finance, all corporate & business activity, government policy and international relations have constructed a system that will enable them to seize the "global commons."

They are the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP) and while elected representatives are within their ranks, they don't set either the agenda or policy. We need to both recognise who the GPPP are and understand the implications of their gambit. How are this group of global stakeholders going to seize the global commons and why should we resist them?

Over the next couple of articles we are going to explore these questions. By recognising what the globalist think tanks and other policy makers mean by the global commons we can begin to appreciate the jaw dropping magnitude of their ambitions.

They consistently use deceptive language to conceal their intentions. Words like 'inclusive,' 'sustainable,' 'equity' and 'resilience' are often employed to portray some vague but ultimately duplicitous concept of caring environmentalism. We must unpick their language to fully comprehend their intentions, in the hope that we can resist and deny them.

While we have been distracted and transitioned by the alleged global pandemic, or pseudopandemic, the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP), who orchestrated the chaos, have been very busy. They have created the asset rating system that will afford them total, global economic control. This is based upon Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and utilises Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics (SCM).

This new global economic system is what the politicians mean by "build back better." It is the essence of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset.

laying the foundations for a new International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) was a key to the pseudopandemic. The new IMFS will emerge from the deliberate economic destruction wrought by government policy responses to COVID 19. This was planned.

The phrase "build back better" was first widely popularised by US President Clinton following the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. During the pseudopandemic it has been adopted by politicians globally to signal that the project to seize the "global commons" is underway.

We will need to consider UN Agenda 21 and 2030 in more detail, as these are key the theft of all resources, but for now we can reference it to understand what "build back better" actually means. This will explain why politicians around the world have used it.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 (b) of Agenda 2030 states:

By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards.. adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk management at all levels.

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), written in 2015, states:

The recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction phase, which needs to be prepared ahead of a disaster, is a critical opportunity to Build Back Better; recognition of stakeholders and their roles; mobilization of risk-sensitive investment to avoid the creation of new risk;

[…] strengthening of international cooperation and global partnership […] it is necessary to continue strengthening good governance in disaster risk reduction strategies at the national, regional and global levels […] and to use post-disaster recovery and reconstruction to 'Build Back Better', supported by strengthened modalities of international cooperation…

Clear vision, plans, competence, guidance and coordination within and across sectors, as well as participation of relevant stakeholders, are needed.. and fosters collaboration and partnership across mechanisms and institutions for the implementation of instruments relevant to disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.

"Build back better" policy was prepared ahead of the arrival of COVID-19. It is part of the planned risk management and preparedness framework for post "disaster" reconstruction. It means the global participation of relevant stakeholders to strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships in order to implement instruments to achieve sustainable development.

SDG 11 (b) was a plan to substantially increase the global number of human settlements adopting "build back better" polices by 2020. This SDG has now been achieved thanks to the COVID-19 pseudopandemic. In particular, the planned "mobilization of risk-sensitive investment," outlined in the SFDRR, has surged ahead.

Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics – SCM – were devised by the World Economic Forum, who describe themselves as the international organisation for public-private cooperation. When combined with the SDGs outlined in the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 frameworks, SCM enable the GPPP to seize the entire Earth, all its resources and everything on it, including us.

In order to control us we are being transitioned into a technocracy with the biosecurity state acting as the central control mechanism. Public health is the new focus for global security and centralised control of the entire system has been established during, and as a result of, the pseudopandemic.

The news IMFS is designed to tie our biosecurity commitments to Universal Basic Income (UBI or similar state payments) which will be paid with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC.)

This will ensure our compliance, as Central Banks will use AI algorithms, combined with population monitoring (track and trace, vaccine passports or some other form of social credit surveillance system), to monitor and control all of our transactions, behaviour and movements.

The dreaded authoritarian knock on the door will be replaced with the dreaded authoritarian beep of a refused card payment. If you can't buy food with your money it doesn't really matter how much of it you have. Comply or starve is a distinct possibility.

Over the next couple of articles we are going to explore this "new abnormal." How it encapsulates the seizure of everything by favoured stakeholder capitalists, as the chosen winning corporations divide up the Earths resources amongst themselves. This is the zenith of the planned "build back better" response to the pseudopandemic.

Throughout the pseudopandemic the World Economic Forum (WEF) have taken the public relations lead on the planned recovery. Their Great Reset is just the repackaging of an idea hundreds, if not thousands of years old.

It is the self-serving belief that some special people are destined, and therefore have the right, to lead the rest of us. They don't require any kind of legitimate "democratic" mandate or even popular support. Their claimed right to rule is an imperious assumption.

The WEF have claimed the supposed right to direct three key areas of global policy. They intend to do this by assisting world leaders to manage "disruptive change."

They have put themselves forward as the GPPP front organisation for managing the fourth industrial revolution, addressing global security issues and solving the problems of the global commons. It is important to note that the WEF are not alone in their ambitions, but rather the leading proponents for the wider GPPP policy platform. We will focus on the third sphere of their self-proclaimed authority: control of a global commons.

The United Nations (UN) acts as a policy hub for the GPPP. It allows stakeholders to introduce the policies, formulated by the think tanks, into the nascent global governance structure. The desired policy agendas can be moulded and eventually filtered down to national and then local government administrations across the planet.

In the September 2011 issue of Our Planet the UN offered a description of the global commons as "the shared resources that no one owns but all life relies upon." In 2013 the UN Systems Task Team expanded on this and published "Global governance and governance of the global commons in the global partnership for development beyond 2015."

They wrote:

International law identifies four global commons, namely the High Seas, the Atmosphere, the Antarctica and the Outer Space…Resources of interest or value to the welfare of the community of nations – such as tropical rain forests and biodiversity – have lately been included among the traditional set of global commons…while some define the global commons even more broadly, including science, education, information and peace…Stewardship of the global commons cannot be carried out without global governance.

This habit of expanding the definition of the global commons has continued. In April 2020 The Rothschild backed bank the Global Environment Facility offered a more extensive list of the shared resources all life relies upon:

In order to protect our global commons.. humanity must develop new ways of doing business to deliver transformational change in food, energy, urban, and production and consumption systems. It will take coalitions that bring together governments, businesses, finance, and citizens to realize this goal.

That coalition is the GPPP and citizens are involved, via civil society, only if they agree to promote the agreed policy agenda.

In December 2020 the Secretary General of the UN Antonio Gutteres really fleshed out the global commons concept.

Speaking to an audience gathered at Columbia University, the pivotal academic institution in the development of Technocracy, he said:

To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken.. human activities are at the root of our descent towards chaos.. the recovery from the pandemic is an opportunity…It is time to flick the 'green switch'. We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it…We must turn this momentum into a movement…

Everything is interlinked – the global commons and global well-being…This means: More and bigger effectively managed conservation areas… Biodiversity-positive agriculture and fisheries…More and more people are understanding the need for their own daily choices to reduce their carbon footprint and respect planetary boundaries…From protests in the streets to advocacy on-line…From classroom education to community engagement…From voting booths to places of work…

We cannot go back to the old normal…We have a blueprint: the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change…Now is the time to transform humankind's relationship with the natural world – and with each other.

Again we see the recurrent themes of the GPPP. The planet must be saved from us, we are a pestilence that must be controlled; Covid-19 is, as ever, an opportunity to transform the global economy; our survival and GPPP stewardship of the global commons are one and the same and everything must be transformed.

Not only are the oceans (everything in them and beneath them), the atmosphere (the air we breath), Antarctica (the only continent with a universally respected international treaty protecting it) and the universe up for grabs, GPPP avarice doesn't end there.

Energy (all natural resources), all productivity and our livelihoods (the workplace), biodiversity (ecosystems and life on Earth), all land (managed conservation areas), agriculture and fisheries (all food), our consumption and behaviour (carbon footprints), where we are allowed to exist (planetary boundaries), our political opinions and system, education, the communities we live in and even our relationships, are all to be controlled and transformed by the GPPP.

The "global commons" is GPPP shorthand for everything. All life, all resources, all land, all water, the air, the stars and all of us. It is their intention to have dominion over all.

The global commons are not fixed. Other aspects of our existence are being added all the time. In June 2021 the WEF wrote the Case for a Digital Commons. Whenever they want to include something else in the list they use the language of sustainable development. It doesn't matter that this makes no rational sense, the point is to sell the notion with the right buzz-words:

COVID-19 highlighted and accelerated the centrality of digital technology in our lives. Yet the digital ecosystem is one of the most unequal and dysfunctional aspects of our collective lives. How can we build a digital ecosystem that ensures broadly shared participation and prosperity? We argue that shifting our view to see technology infrastructure as a digital commons could point the way forward for an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem with shared social benefit.

Now they claim the authority to rule the Internet and all digital communication technology. We see once more that the pseudopandemic is the catalyst for this transformation and that government is merely the implementation partner for the GPPP agenda. We are just the tax paying cash cows that will fund the construction of the empire:

In this post-pandemic time of broad economic and social re-envisioning and re-alignment, an emphasis on the digital commons can point the way forward for collective recovery, solidarity and progress.. Governments will have to push forward on real regulation of privately controlled systems.. as well as providing funding to allow a sustainable ecosystem of innovation that is not beholden to venture capitalists or large companies.

It is truly remarkable that a low mortality respiratory disease has provided such an immense opportunity for global transformation.

The leading figures within the GPPP knew that COVID-19 didn't present much of a threat. In their June 2020 book COVID-19: The Great Reset, the authors Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret wrote that the pseudopandemic was:

One of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years….the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild…It does not constitute an existential threat, or a shock that will leave its imprint on the world's population for decades.

At the heart of this seizure of everything lies stakeholder capitalism. In December 2019 Schwab wrote What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want.

The "we" referenced in that title was not "us" but rather the GPPP, though the article assumed we all agree on the GPPP's definition of global problems. Schwab wrote:

Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today's social and environmental challenges.

Schwab's use of the term "trustee" is notable. It has a specific legal definition:

The person appointed, or required by law, to execute a trust; one in whom an estate, interest, or power is vested, under an express or implied agreement to administer or exercise it for the benefit or to the use of another.

It is not at all evident that global corporations should be entrusted with our society. Many of us would disagree which is one of the main reasons we haven't been asked. There is no justification for Schwab's claim.

I speak for no one but myself, but I would wager that most people consider global corporations to be a significant contributor to the social and environmental challenges we face. Why would anyone believe they should determine the alleged solutions?

Schwab's is a ludicrous assertion. Yet this is the insistence of the stakeholder capitalists. It is also the basis for the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their Agenda 21 and 2030 policy platforms.

Despite their claims of omniscience, the GPPP and their leading proponents, like the WEF and the IMF, are not infallible. They are just people, no different in most regards to anyone else on Earth.

They are collaborating in a huge, though not unprecedented, global effort. Many people have come to think an operation on this scale is impossible. Why they imagine this is hard to say.

We have already had two world wars requiring similar degrees of international cooperation. Arguably more if we consider that whole populations were engaged in these collective efforts.

There are many global corporations that operate tortuously complex international operations. These incorporate global logistics, international finance and cross border regulatory alignment. These world-wide endeavours overwhelmingly rely upon a hierarchical, authoritarian management structure. Only a few, senior board level figures have oversight of the whole system. The GPPP relies upon exactly the same.

However, because ordinary people are leading this organisation, mistakes happen. In September 2020 the WEF produced a promotional video making the point, from their perspective, that "you will own nothing and you will be happy." This backfired terribly and was a PR disaster. The Video was hastily pulled down, too late to hide the real intention of the GPPP.

However, the original article, upon which the video was based, can still be read. The article was written by the former Danish Environment Minister, climate activist and WEF "young global leader," Ida Auken. Unlike most of us, she isn't a disenfranchised constituent. Ida is a carefully selected GPPP spokeswoman.

Ida Auken

The title was changed and an explanatory note added. Ida said that her article was not intended to describe her "utopia" and that the intention was to explore the "pros and cons" of a possible near term future:

Everything you considered a product, has now become a service… When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people… Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me… We had all these terrible things happening: lifestyle diseases, climate change, the refugee crisis, environmental degradation, completely congested cities, water pollution, air pollution, social unrest and unemployment. We lost way too many people before we realized that we could do things differently.

The offer from the GPPP is clear. In exchange for submitting to their will and allowing them sole possession of everything (the global commons) they will take care of us.

Why, is the obvious question. If they control all of the Earths resources, everything is free and AI and robots do most of the work, why do they need us? What is in it for them? We would no longer be required in such a system. Certainly loosing "way too many people" would suggest at least acknowledgment of a much smaller global population.

We should also note why Ida's envisaged future becomes necessary. It is, just as we have seen with the COVID 19 opportunity, a response to a set of crises which gives rise to doing "things differently."

We are already seeing the knock-on effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns and economic destruction. An approaching set of crises over the next few years is a reasonable prediction.

As Schwab noted, there was no existential threat. The consequent disasters we are likely to face will be the result of policy promoted by GPPP representatives, like the World Health Organisation, not a respiratory disease.

It would be easy to dismiss Ida's musings as simply the wishful thinking of an ideologue. In part, it probably is. However, when we look at Agenda 21 and 2030 an uncomfortable realisation dawns.

While the sustainable development agenda is couched in terms of environmental concerns and apparent humanitarian principles, the detail of the proposed policies presents an entirely different prospect.

The true horror of Ida's vision is not that she is among the tiny clique GPPP representatives who are committed to constructing this dystopian prison planet, it is that, in Agenda 21 and 2030, the policy framework to make her futurescape a reality already exists.

Make no mistake, the GPPP intend to control every aspect of the Earth and our lives. That is the transformation they are working towards and they have used the pseudopandemic to set that transition in motion. There is no political opposition to the GPPP. They are realpolitik entire. All they need, for their "solutions" to close the trap, is our compliance.

Combined with SDGs, while we have been preoccupied with a low mortality respiratory illness, the GPPP have not only started building, they have partly completed the new global monetary and financial system.

Once installed this will finalise their coup d'état and enable them to seize everything, all under the guise of stewardship of the global commons.

We will explore how this has been done, and the remaining elements needed to accomplish the theft, in Part Two.

    last comments from Off Guardian
    Observer 7 Nov 2021 | 1:47 pm

    In reply to Marilyn Shepherd.

    Well some ILI has been killing older fatter people, and not the very young as well. So whatever it is, it isn't the flu.

    What do you think Fauci and Daszac were paying to be researched in Wuhan?

    Brian Harry 6 Nov 2021 | 7:24 am

    Anyone in "The West" who thinks that we live in "Freedom and Democracy" is deluded.

    When it comes to the 'theft of the Global Commons', just remember this Old English Rhyme,

    "The Law locks up the man or woman,
    Who steals the Goose from off the Common
    But leave the greater villain loose,
    Who steals the Common from the Goose"…….

    Brian Harry 6 Nov 2021 | 7:17 am

    In reply to Pilgrim Shadow.

    Good luck with that theory mate……..

    Rich 3 Nov 2021 | 12:10 pm

    In reply to Doug Stillborn.

    Yes there are not enough (two bit) silicon parts for their machines at the moment, problems of supply chains. Has anybody invented the device that shuts down batteries in a political environment yet, that could be fun.

    Doug Stillborn 31 Oct 2021 | 11:11 pm

    This is already failing and will crash collosally. Globalists=amateurs

    Sam - Admin2 30 Oct 2021 | 11:55 pm

    There is now an audio version of the above piece, available at the head of the article.

    Judith 30 Oct 2021 | 5:53 pm

    In reply to Hele.

    Yes. Interesting. Perfectly scathing.

    Moneycircus 30 Oct 2021 | 11:32 am

    UK Column News – 27th October 2021

    Julian Assange Fight Against Extradition
    U.S. suggests sending him to mental asylum
    Journalist Afshin Rattansi Tweets: Crown Prosecution Service doing Biden's bidding. Partner Stella Morris says U.S. retains right to impose "special measures" if Assange speaks publicly again. U.S. could imprison him in Australia; transfer him to maximum security prison if he ever comments. 
    Alex Thomson: extraditing anyone to the U.S. raises human rights concerns but the ADX SuperMax like Ted Kaczynski and the shoe bomber. Also, "special measures" are extra-judicial and go over the head of the courts. 
    The CPS has gone rogue and considers itself the equivalent of the federal prosecuting authorities in the U.S. or state prosecutors on the Continent. The CPS does not represent the people but a foreign power. 

    Assange Appeal In the Event The U.S. Gov Wins

    Dan Andrews Takes Dictator Powers
    Australia vulnerable because it has no bill of rights
    News Corp — Lawyers blast proposed new Victorian pandemic legislation for giving 'unlimited power' to state leaders
    The Age — New pandemic laws to face upper house amendments: so what's in them?
    Alex Thomson: Ministers are officers of the Executive, masquerading as MPs. The only remedy is the shadow Attorney General or the Back Benchers. That leaves it to the courts to grow a pair.
    See A Dissident's Guide To The Constitution

    BBC Uses Actress To Push Covid Jab
    Charlize Theron wants fairer distribution of vaccines — she's in bed with Ford Foundation
    Movies "School for Good and Evil" – the coven, three witches. 
    Alex Thomson: The Ford Foundation calls itself a social justice organization. Henry Ford's idea of justice was to eliminate Jews. The Carnegie Endowments' idea of justice was to promote war.
    Moneycircus Substack — Spies, Dupes and Charities: Rivals for Power. The Tax-Exempt Foundations.
    Ford Foundation is Highly Political, Getting People To Vote A Certain Way
    Brian Gerrish: The BBC gives none of that background because if they did that would change the story of an actress encouraging vaccines.
    Planned Parenthood, Child Transplants, Electoral Control

    Amazon Cloud To Host UK Spy Agencies  
    Billion-pound secret deal, to be used during joint operations 00:26:30
    Mike Robinson: the Fusion Doctrine means everything is a joint operation. 
    Financial Times — Cloud contract for GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 with US tech group aims to speed analysis but likely to ignite sovereignty fears
    Mike Robinson: whose initiative is this, because a year ago the Pentagon was saying they needed to get more intel services on to the cloud?
    Alex Thomson (ex GCHQ) the contractors outnumber the officers. The point of civilian security, Signals Intel, is to find people who are up to no good. Military AI looks for people to shoot. When you start profiling the whole population you are in different territory.
    What is not currently possible and is not mentioned here is that they want computers to zoom in, like the Third Reich Hollerith Department that will tell them, "these people are your enemies."

    Amazon Storage System Used For Armaments on UK 5th-Gen Aircraft Carriers
    HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales.
    Brian Gerrish: does Amazon builds the automated weapons systems – how are they involved?

    The MSM Rehabilitate Christopher Steele 
    Sky News — Former Spy: 'Russian hostility is growing 00:40:00
    Steele insists the majority of material is right.
    Alex Thomson: He was one of the better ones, he is right to think that Britain has some enemies in the Kremlin but he is wrong to take the Richard Dearlove line, as Steele did when ran the Russia desk at Mi6 in 2006-09. It is not the only game in town in Moscow. It is not a zero sum where they will reach first for the nuclear option to defend their near abroad. 
    OTOH there has been a willingness to ignore the 1/4 million Russian expats moving to London and their millions finding their way into the coffers of the governing party. Steele is telling half the story. And Carole Cadwalladr is telling the other half of the story. It's just that we can't trust the motives of any of these people who get the ear of Sky News. 

    Insulate Britain Are Really Global Partnership Protestors
    BBC Tech Chief Tim Lancaster is Insulate Britain Protestor 00:53:15
    Network of connections reveals well-funded backers
    Climate Strategies – tax-evading foundations, World Bank, EU, FCO, UK Gov.

    "Luxury communists" Channel Novara Media Deleted, Restored After MSM Outcry
    Censorship Only Applies To The Wrong People, The Right People Are Fine 00:55:15
    Novara Media's Gary McQuiggin deletes Tweets which praised right of "private companies" to censor — until it happened to him. 
    Ash Sarkar, luxury communist, who works for BBC, is one of the faces. 
    Alex Thomson: Novara got too hot for the establishment when it started interviewing the old left who are skeptics on the Lockdown measures. They fear a communist version of UK Column. 

    Vaccine Passports Advert For Call Handlers
    "A brand new team to assist with the rollout of vaccine passports" 00:59:30
    Unknown company – may be Serco
    Brian Gerrish — this is the Gov lying to the public. You can be sure if the Gov is spending money, they have every intention of making it real. 
    Alex Thomson — it's often the hiring of frontline staff that reveals the sub-contracting. Likewise Facebook still has adverts for close protection officers for COP26 — there's not enough time to vet them. Is that the intention, somebody asked me.

    Asset or Useful Idiot Lucy Beresford Calls For Lockdowns For The Unvaccinated 
    Another behavioural psychologist telling us what to do 01:02:15
    Fomer Lehman Banker, Psychotherapist, Novelist, TedX speaker. Founder of the Kindness Club tells BBC that 600-700,00 people have not had a single jab. 

    "they are the ones who are putting us at risk… there is a moral pressure whre you feel the rest of us are doing our bit to break that link between infections and hospitalizations… to protect the NHS… at some point there must be some kind of penalty for that."

    Mike Robinson – case numbers that have been going through the roof despite the vaccinations
    Alex Thomson – the financial overlords of this planet like psychological techniques and to infantilize the people.

    The FDA Think Child Heart Problems Are A Price Worth Paying
    CHD to Sue FDA for 'Recklessly Endangering' Children 

    German Authorities Say You Don't Need To Know Mortality Statistics For The Vaxxed
    Weimar mayor will not release numbers treated in clinics who have been jabbed. 01:10:15
    The information would play into the hands of Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers. 
    Cronna Doks: – https://bit.ly/3jIkzAO
    Alex Thomson: this is the same as the interior ministry during the migrant crisis that would not release data because it would frighten people.


    Hele 30 Oct 2021 | 8:47 am

    In reply to Patrick L..


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