
The WWF is one of the organizations behind climate change hysteria

on image: Prince Philip and the Queen - protecting wildlife.

The WWF is one of the organizations behind climate change hysteria. Under the guise of protecting animals, its real function is to "conserve" the planet for the exploitation of the one percent who own it. This is why the rich love "Conservation" etc. so much.

The WWF was started in 1961 by Prince Philip who wanted to be reincarnated as a virus and "cull the human race" and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who founded the Bilderberg Conferences where Rothschild Upper Management meets annually to receive instructions. Both these men are avid hunters.

The other 99% of humanity is expendable. They are useless eaters consuming the world's resources like a plague of locusts. To preserve the planet for the wealthy, the WWF has established huge nature reserves and expelled indigenous populations without compensating them for their homes and lands. "In the name of conservation, indigenous peoples have been evicted from their land. They are accused of 'poaching', even though they are hunting to feed their families. They are even accused of poaching when hunting outside protected areas."

Survival International writes that "This 'green colonialism' is destroying lives and is illegal. It is also harming conservation. Scapegoating tribal people diverts action away from tackling the real causes of environmental destruction in the Congo Basin: logging and corruption."

The real World Wildlife Fund (WWF) exposed.
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