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The End Of The "Wars On The Cheap" For The United States?

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The End Of The "Wars On The Cheap" For The United States?


Now that the Neocons have hamstrung Trump, and with Trump's planned impeachment and removal from office still in the future, the world must deal with the dangerous decline of the USA-led power bloc, because the Neocons are back in power and will do anything to reverse this trend. It is obvious that the only "solution" that the Neocons see is to trigger another war. So the question is: "Whom will they strike?"

If the Neocons are out of touch with reality, then everything is possible, even nuking Russia and China. While not dismissing the Neocons' capacity for violence, it is equally pointless to analyze clearly irrational scenarios, given that modern deterrence theories assume "rational actors" and not madmen running amok.

Assuming a modicum of rational thinking remains in Washington, DC, if the Neocons launch some extreme operation, somebody in the corridors of power will find the courage to prevent it, as Admiral Fallon did with his "Not on my watch!" comment which possibly prevented an attack on Iran in 2007. But the question remains: where could the USA-led power bloc strike next?

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