
Bechamp or Pasteur?

Ethel Hume

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This expansive work covers the main points of contention between Antoine Bechamp and Louis Pasteur in depth sufficient to satisfy any degree of scientific or historical scrutiny, and it contains many detailed references to the source material and supporting evidence. This book confirms beyond doubt that much of Pasteur’s ‘science’ was a fraudulent and deliberately misleading reinterpretation of Bechamp's work.

The preface: R. Pearson’s Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter was originally published in 1942, and is a succinct introduction to both Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp, and the reasons behind the troubled relationship that they shared for their entire working lives.

Whereas Pearson's work is a valuable introduction to an often complex topic, it is Ethel Douglas Hume’s expansive and well-documented Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology which provides the main body of evidence. It covers the main points of contention between Bechamp and Pasteur in depth sufficient to satisfy any degree of scientific or historical scrutiny, and it contains, wherever possible, detailed references to the source material and supporting evidence.

Virtually no claim in Ms Hume’s book is undocumented. The reader will soon discern that neither Mr Pearson nor Ms Hume could ever be called fans of Pasteur or his "science". They both declare their intentions openly; that they wish to contribute to the undoing of a massive medical and scientific fraud.

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