
Checkpoint 303 live in Santiago de Chile

Support for Tunisia, Egypt and the People's Uprising across the Arab World

Sat. February 5th, 2011 - CHECKPOINT 303 LIVE - PISO 3 - Santiago, CHILE

When: Sat. FEB 5th, 2011 Begin: 9PM (be on time!)

Where: PISO 3, Alférez Real 1083, Esquina con Miguel Claro, Providencia, Santiago - Chile

LINE-UP: Checkpoint 303 (Tunisia/Palestine/France) and Mika Martini (Pueblo Nuevo, Chile)

The photo we used for the flyer (see attachment) was obtained with kind permission from the photographer Fred Dufour (AFP) who took this photo in Tunis on Jan 18th, 2011.

Feel free to spread the flyer to your friends and if you wan to see more amazing pictures of the Tunisian Uprising, which some have called the 'Jasmin Revolution', check out the following link:

This is a historical moment for the arab world, the region and the world. Please show your support to the people of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc. in their struggle for freedom, democracy, human rights and social justice. You can do this by joining demonstrations outside embassies in your country and by getting informed and spreading information through the net.

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