
Assessment of the last 48 days in Gaza

40,000 tons of explosives were dropped. (which is 3 times the power of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

  1. 15,031 people died, including 8,176 children and 4,112 women.
  2. 36,350 people were injured and 7,000 people were missing, most of them children.
  3. 64 journalists and 110 UN members were killed.
  4. 1,700,000 people displaced
  5. 56,450 buildings were destroyed
  6. 163,100 houses were demolished
  7. 135 press centers were destroyed.
  8. 253 schools were destroyed.
  9. 954 industrial installations were hit.
  10. 80 mosques and 2 churches were bombed.
  11. 206 doctors and nurses died.
  12. 236 health care workers died.
  13. 22 hospitals were bombed.
  14. 55 clinics were destroyed.
  15. 46 ambulances were bombed.

This is their hallmark, written in their genes. Here, as in Ukraine's Donbas and elsewhere in the US and NATO, cowards who cannot stand up to real soldiers take revenge on civilians.

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