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The Zionist Story

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The Zionist Story

 mp4 | Odysee

directed: Ronen Berelovich 2009, 1h 15m

The Zionist Story is a well-defined documentary of ethnic cleansing, colonialism, and separation to produce a demographically Jewish State.

The documentary uses archival footage with commentary from filmmaker Ronen Berelovich and others such as Ilan Pappe, Terry Boullata, Alan Hart and Jeff Halper.

Berelovich presents in the film not just the history of the conflict between Israeli and Palestinian, but also the major reason for it. It also details the Zionists ideology, its goals and its firm grip not only on Israeli society but also, increasingly, on the perception of Middle East issues in Western democracies.

Berelovich approaches the topic from the perspective of an Israeli, ex-soldier and someone who has spent most of his life in the shadow of Zionism.


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