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The Vaccinated Girls - Sick and Betrayed

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The Vaccinated Girls - Sick and Betrayed

 mp4 |  Bitchute

directed: Signe Daugbjeg and Michael Bech DK 2015, 38m

This is a documentary film about the HPV-vaccine roll-out and subsequent scandal in Denmark. It chronicles the efforts of 47 young women and their families who sought answer to questions after an unusual amount of girls began falling ill following the controversial pharmaceutical injections which have been aggressively pushed via schools throughout Europe. Their courageous activism created considerable public and political attention, leading to the chairperson of the Parliament’s health committee calling for a halt to the vaccination program, but then changing her position two weeks later after falling on intense pressure from the Establishment and pharmaceutical cartel lobby. According to Infomedia, at least 1009 occurrences of HPV side effects stories were registered during 2015. The controversy continues to this day.

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