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Revealing Ukraine

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Revealing Ukraine

 mp4 |  Bitchute

directed: Igor Lopatonok USA 2019, 1h 33m

This work by Oliver Stone is an American view of the situation in Ukraine. In general, this is a story about external interference in the politics of Ukraine. According to Stone, the Americans use Ukraine as a bargaining chip in their foreign policy.

For the last 5 years, Ukraine has made many headlines in the press and television news, but what has really changed in the life of Ukrainians? Why is there a civil war still raging on the East Ukraine, in Donbas, even though it has been contained and de-escalated? How is it possible that such a troubled third world country as present Ukraine successfully meddled in the presidential election of 2016 in such a superpower as the USA? "Revealing Ukraine" by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following preceding "Ukraine on Fire". In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the world. In the movie the main speaker - heavyweight Ukrainian politician, opposition leader - Viktor Medvedchuk is being interviewed by the renowned filmmaker Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone also sat with Russian president Vladimir Putin to ask him a questions about Ukrainian crisis.

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