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Maestra Ayahuasca

!!! Wymagana odpowiedź weryfikacyjna!

Maestra Ayahuasca

 mp4 | Odysee

director: Viliam Poltikovic, Czech Republic 2011, 1h 16m

Vast land of Amazonia retains many an enigma and local shamans keep on surprising us through their capabilities and the range of their knowledge. Communicating directly with plants and being told by herbs themselves how they affect medically, the shamans manage to heal even so-called incurable diseases. They contrive to leave their bodies travelling both all around the planet and deep in space, they are able to obtain any information of the universal consciousness and learn anything they care about. The key to all of this is ayahuasca, a mysterious liana the decoction of which not only heals through purification on all levels, it also offers the realization and understanding of anything in this world and in the realms experienced by only few people. It opens the door to higher dimensions...

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