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King Corn

!!! Wymagana odpowiedź weryfikacyjna!

King Corn


directed: Aaron Woolf USA 2007 1h 30m

KING CORN is a fun and crusading journey into the digestive tract of our fast food nation where one ultra-industrial, pesticide-laden, heavily-subsidized commodity dominates the food pyramid from top to bottom -- corn. Fueled by curiosity and a dash of naivete, two college buddies return to their ancestral home of Greene, Iowa to figure out how a modest kernel conquered America. With the help of some real farmers, oodles of fertilizer and government aide, and some genetically modified seeds, the friends manage to grow one acre of corn. Along the way, they unlock the hilarious absurdities and scary but hidden truths about America's modern food system in this engrossing and eye-opening documentary.

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