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Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy brothers

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Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy brothers

 mp4 | Odysee

directed: Laurent Guyénot FR 2018, 1h 26m

In 1968, Robert Kennedy was assassinated just after winning the California primaries, which made him the front-runner in the presidential race. Had he reached the White House, he would have been able to reopen the investigation into his brother’s death five years earlier, and it is known from numerous testimonies that he intended to do so. Neither John’s nor Robert’s death are elucidated; both investigations, conducted under Lyndon Johnson’s watch, are widely regarded as cover-ups. In each case, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. This film sums them up. But it does more: it shows that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And it solves them beyond a reasonable doubt.

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