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Forks Over Knives

!!! Wymagana odpowiedź weryfikacyjna!

Forks Over Knives

 mp4 |  Bitchute

director: Lee Fulkerson, USA 2013, 1h 52m

If you are someone who is serious about your health, this documentary cannot be overlooked. Diet is so important to ones survival in this modern world that is so important to understand why people are getting sick, not just dismissing it as oh that person just got unlucky! There is a reason why people get serious illnesses and and that reason is most probably the abuse you have done to your body your whole life. I have healed myself with the help and wisdom of nutrition based on some of the knowledge in this documentary. Please try not to take it for granted just keep an open mind and try to emotionally detach yourself from what you think food is to you. It is far more than filling emotional voids, it is your health and your medicine. I hope people really get this documentary, I loved it!!

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