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Cults: The CIA's Secret Weapon

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Cults: The CIA's Secret Weapon

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directed: Maksim Sergeev RU 2023 27m

Gennady Makhnenko, the leader of a neo-Nazi totalitarian cult in Severodonetsk, referred to himself as a pastor. However, his activities can barely be seen as religious. He trained orphaned children to become soldiers for the Ukrainian army. Archive footage and revealed documents show that the cult leader's efforts to turn children into cold-blooded killers were not only known, but actively supported by foreign religious organisations. Today, in many liberated territories in Donbass, you can find hastily abandoned documents indicating the transfer of thousands of dollars to Ukrainian cults from the United States, Europe, and Canada. The peculiar Ukrainian "religion" emerged as a result of a secret CIA project called "Prolog", immediately after the end of World War II. At that time, U.S. intelligence agencies aimed to foment separatist and nationalist sentiments in Soviet Ukraine. What are the current goals of the cult leaders and their sponsors?

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