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Black Snake Killaz: A NoDAPL Story

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Black Snake Killaz: A NoDAPL Story


directed: Unicorn Riot USA 2017, 2h

Black Snake Killaz: a NoDAPL story chronicles the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline from April 2016 through March 2017. The film highlights actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and investigates actions taken by law enforcement, military, and corporate mercenaries to quell the months-long protest. Black Snake Killaz timelines the historical events that unfolded in Standing Rock and brings you a raw front line experience of direct actions. Although the Dakota Access Pipeline was completed, the impact of the resistance movement will be long-lasting. The importance of the water protectors' story grows as fossil fuel extraction projects continue to impact some of the most vulnerable communities throughout the world.

Black Snake Killaz: a NoDAPL story is one of the many stories that has emerged from the #NoDAPL movement. Unicorn Riot offers Black Snake Killaz: a NoDAPL story as a public resource to provide a concise yet detailed account of these historical events.

Releasing this film licensed under creative commons non-commercial no-derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) is a privilege and a choice we made as an organization. This film is available to the public for free for non-profit educational purposes.

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