
Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

Colin Todhunter

Ten materiał jest rozpowszechniany bez zysku w celach badawczych i edukacyjnych.
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"Colin Todhunter at his best. This is graphic, a detailed horror tale in the making for India, an exposé on what is planned, to hand over Indian sovereignty and food security to big business. There will come a time pretty soon - not something out there but imminent, unfolding even now - when we will pay the Cargills, Ambanis, Bill Gates, Walmarts, in the absence of national buffer food stocks (an agri-policy change to cash crops, the end to small-scale farmers, pushed aside by contract farming and GM crops), to send us food and finance borrowing from international markets to do it." - Aruna Rodrigues, lead petitioner in the GMO mustard Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court of India and prominent campaigner.

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