
Murdering millions of newborn calves for vaccines and other medical research

by Jon Rappoport on Jon Rappoport

Cc: Vegan Hollywood celebrities and animal rights advocates who are taking the COVID vaccine

In my recent series of articles on the murder of aborted live human infants for vaccine research, I made no mention of animal research.

Now I will.

The product is called Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). It is used all over the world.

How is it obtained?

Slate News: "FBS, as the name implies, is a byproduct made from the blood of cow fetuses. If a cow coming for slaughter happens to be pregnant, the cow is slaughtered and bled, and then the fetus is removed from its mother and brought into a blood collection room. The fetus, which remains alive during the following process to ensure blood quality, has a needle inserted into its heart. Its blood is then drained until the fetus dies, a death that usually takes about five minutes. This blood is then refined, and the resulting extract is FBS. Millions of fetuses are slaughtered this way."

Think about that.

-Medical research, vaccine research, and a blood-soaked landscape. The murder of living human infants for their tissue; the murder of newborn calves for their tissue.

Slate: "FBS is also special because it is a universal growth medium. You can take almost any cell type, toss it into a petri dish with FBS, and the cells will grow. The use of the serum is extensive, with FBS being cited in more than 10,000 research papers…"

Was FBS used in the development of COVID vaccines? Yes and no statements proliferate.

However, if you take the research and development back far enough into the virology lab, the answer would be an unqualified yes.

Cell cultures in dishes are starting points for all vaccines. Virologists believe they are isolating viruses in those dishes. The purported viruses are the reasons, in the first place, for all vaccines-including COVID.

Those cell cultures in dishes need a substance that promotes the growth of the cells. Enter Fetal Bovine Serum as that substance.

In medical literature and news media, you'll find many euphemisms and generalities that obscure the murdering of newborn calves. Animal-derived products; serum; organisms in development; growth factor; universal medium; humane treatment.

"Don't tell the children." In this case, everyone is supposed to be a child kept in ignorance.

And medical murder is supposed to be a special scientific procedure. Separate, remote, sanitized.

It is-until people find out what's actually going on.

The devil is in the details.


  • 10 komentarzy
    ostatnie komentarze z Jon Rappoport
    sue 12 Nov 2021 | 7:03 am

    Wonder how many additional calves were sacrificed in the last two years for warp speed vaccines? Seems yet another way to insure food/meat shortages for the coming Dark Winter. (?)

    R Anand 4 Nov 2021 | 7:44 pm

    The cow is considered as sacred here in India. Yet, the ruling government (a religious party which claims to protect the cows) and its prime minister Narendra Modi go about pushing the vaccine agenda to the people of India.

    Hypocrites, worldwide, have been exposed by all this.

    Thank you, Jon, for this article. It is tragic but by exposing it the scope for animal-free medical research in the near future is created.

    Viktoria 31 Oct 2021 | 5:37 pm

    Satanic, medical, ritual abuse and mass, ritual human and animal sacrifice events for their imaginary gods and deities. Just like all the endless, ritual, human sacrifice events in endless wars, genocides, and nefarious science experiments. What would the cosmic, justice center think about all this blood letting, torture, and genocide???? It's INSANITY AND MUST STOP!!!!!! Post haste.

    Geo Martin 31 Oct 2021 | 3:59 pm

    The masses are in such state of denial that the 'authorities' don't need to hide their plans and methods anymore. They blatantly contradict what they say from one day to the next, they can even say that the vaccines don't stop you from 'spreading the disease, don't prevent you from 'getting infected', but only lessen the symptoms, and that's good enough for the public.

    I am pretty sure they could tell people to eat their own shit that most will follow suit.

    Walkintherain 31 Oct 2021 | 2:28 am

    Deepest thanks to Jon and readers for information. But so heartbreaking.

    Walkintherain 31 Oct 2021 | 2:18 am

    Thank you!!!!!

    Walkintherain 31 Oct 2021 | 2:17 am

    Thank you. It seems to me that each and every group, of all kinds, have been infiltrated and deeply compromised by amoral leaders. It's the norm.

    Even cheese is cruel food; the calf is taken away from the mom and both suffer horribly, crying out for days, and the calves suffer one despicable, unnatural torture or another, and ditto the moms.

    Moona Lisa 30 Oct 2021 | 1:46 pm

    The very first edict after Columbus came back with news, was forbidding teaching natives how to read and write.

    That was half a Millenium ago. […]

    Laura 29 Oct 2021 | 7:11 am

    Thanks Rosline, but I don't feel so brave; more shell-shocked than brave. Yes, lying does seem to be the national pastime these days, more so than ever, as well as those lies being mindlessly believed by the majority! But it's always been that way in regard to "necessary" animal abuse/killing. Keep being skeptical; it's almost always in order.

    Sue 29 Oct 2021 | 3:31 am

    That is so insane.

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