
Gaslighting: State Mind Control and Abusive Narcissism

by Vanessa Beeley on 21st Century Wire

Exceptionalism: the condition of being different from the norm; also: a theory expounding the exceptionalism especially of a nation or region.

There are many theories surrounding the origin of American exceptionalism. The most popular in US folklore, being that it describes America's unique character as a "free" nation founded on democratic ideals and civil liberties. The Declaration of Independence from British colonial rule is the foundation of this theory and has persevered throughout the often violent history of the US since its birth as a free nation.

Over time, exceptionalism has come to represent superiority in the minds and hearts of Americans. Belief in their economic, military and ideological supremacy is what has motivated successive US governments to invest in shaping the world in their superior image with little or no regard for the destruction left in the wake of their exceptional hegemony.

In considering itself, exceptional, the US has extricated itself from any legal obligation to adhere to either International law or even the common moral laws that should govern Humanity. The US has become exceptionally lawless and authoritarian particularly in its intolerant neo-colonialist foreign policy. The colonized have become the colonialists, concealing their brutal savagery behind a veneer of missionary zeal that they are converting the world to their form of exceptionalist Utopia.

Such is the media and marketing apparatus that supports this superiority complex, the majority of US congress exist within its echo chamber and are willing victims of its indoctrination. The power of the propaganda vortex pulls them in and then radiates outwards, infecting all in its path. Self-extraction from this oligarchical perspective is perceived as a revolutionary act that challenges the core of US security so exceptionalism becomes the modus vivendi.

Just as Israel considers itself ‘the chosen people' from a religious perspective, the US considers itself the chosen nation to impose its version of Democratic reform and capitalist hegemony the world over. One can see why Israel and the US make such symbiotic bedfellows.

"The fatal war for humanity is the war with Russia and China toward which Washington is driving the US and Washington's NATO and Asian puppet states. The bigotry of the US power elite is rooted in its self-righteous doctrine that stipulates America as the "indispensable country" - Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Drives the World Towards War.

So why do the American people accept US criminal hegemony, domestic and foreign brutal tyranny and neo-colonialist blood-letting with scant protest? Why do the European vassal states not rise up against this authoritarian regime that flaunts international law and drags its NATO allies down the path to complete lawlessness and diplomatic ignominy?

What is Gaslighting?

The psychological term "Gaslighting" comes from a 1944 Hollywood classic movie called Gaslight. Gaslighting describes the abuse employed by a narcissist to instil in their victim's mind, an extreme anxiety and confusion to the extent where they no longer have faith in their own powers of logic, reason and judgement. These gaslighting techniques were adopted by central intelligence agencies in the US and Europe as part of their psychological warfare methods, used primarily during torture or interrogation.

Gaslighting as an abuser's modus operandi, involves, specifically, the withholding of factual information and its replacement with false or fictional information designed to confuse and disorientate. This subtle and Machiavellian process eventually undermines the mental stability of its victims reducing them to such a depth of insecurity and identity crisis that they become entirely dependent upon their abuser for their sense of reality and even identity.

Gaslighting involves a step by step psychological process to manipulate and destabilize its victim. It is built up over time and consists of repetitive information feeds that enter the victim's subconscious over a period of time, until it is fully registered on the subconscious "hard disk" and cannot be overridden by the conscious floppy disk. Put more simply, it is brainwashing.

"Overall, the main reason for gaslighting is to create a dynamic where the abuser has complete control over their victim so that they are so weak that they are very easy to manipulate." - Alex Myles

Three Stages of Gaslighting: Stage One

The first stage depends upon trust in the integrity and unimpeachable intentions of the abuser, a state of reliance that has been engendered by the abuser's artful self-promotion and ingratiating propaganda. Once this trust is gained, the abuser will begin to subtly undermine it, creating situations and environments where the victim will begin to doubt their own judgement. Eventually the victim will rely entirely upon the abuser to alleviate their uncertainty and to restore their sense of reality which is in fact that of the abuser.

Stage Two

The second stage, defence, is a process by which the abuser isolates the victim, not only from their own sense of identity but from the validation of their peers. They are made to feel that their opinion is worthless, discredited, down-right weird. In political circles they would be labelled a conspiracy theorist, a dissident, a terror apologist. As a consequence, the victim will withdraw from society and cease to express themselves for fear of ridicule, judgement or punishment.

This stage can also be compared to Stockholm Syndrome where a hostage or captive is reduced,by psychological mind games, back to infantile dependency upon their captor. Narcissistic abuse bonds the victim to the aggressor via trauma. Stockholm Syndrome bonds the victim to the aggressor via regression to an infantile state where the abuser/aggressor becomes the "parent" who will rescue the victim from imminent annihilation. Both methods tap into the victim's survival mechanisms to gain and maintain control.

Stage Three

The final stage is depression. A life under the tyrannical rule of a narcissist drives the victim into a state of extreme confusion. They are stripped of dignity and self-reliance. They, ultimately exist in an information vacuum which is only filled by that which the abuser deems suitable or relevant. This can eventually invoke symptoms of PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder]. Flashbacks, constant apprehension, hyper vigilance, mind paralysis, rage and even violence. The process is complete and the victim has been reduced to a willing accomplice in the abusers creation of a very distorted reality.

Exceptionalism or Narcissism?

We are currently seeing the transformation of US exceptionalism into an abusive Narcissism.

The gargantuan apparatus of mind bending and controlling is being put into hyper drive by the ruling elite. We are inundated with propaganda that challenges our sense of reality but only after being "tenderized" by the fear factor. Fear of "terror", fear of war, fear of financial insecurity, fear of gun violence, fear of our own shadow. Once we are suitably quaking in our boots, in comes the rendition of reality that relieves our anxiety. If we challenge this version of events we are labelled a conspiracy theorist, a threat to security. We are hounded, discredited, slandered and ridiculed. We are isolated and threatened.

Wars are started in the same way. Despite the hindsight that should enable us to see it coming, the process swings into motion with resounding success. The ubiquitous dictator, the oligarch who threatens to destroy all that the US and her allies represent which of course is, freedom, equality and civil liberty all wrapped up in the Democracy shiny paper and tied with the exceptionalist ribbon.

Next the false flag to engender fear, terror and to foment sectarian strife. The support of a "legitimate" organic, indigenous "revolution" conveniently emerging in tandem with US ambitions for imposing their model of governance upon a target nation. The arming of "freedom fighters", the securing of mercenary additions to these manufactured proxy forces. All this is sold in the name of freedom and democracy to a public that is already in a state of anxiety and insecurity, lacking in judgement or insight into any other reality but that of their "abuser".

The NGO Complex Deployment

Finally, the Humanitarians are deployed. The forces for "good", the vanguard of integrity and ethical intervention. The power that offers all lost souls a stake-holding in the salvation of sovereign nations that have lost their way and need rescuing. A balm for a damaged soul, to know they can leave their doubts and fears in such trustworthy hands as HRW, Amnesty International, they can assuage their deep sense of guilt at the suffering being endured by the people of far flung nations because they can depend upon the NGOs to provide absolution with minimal effort on their part. They don't realise that NGOs are an integral part of their abuser's apparatus, operating on the leash of neo-colonialist financing and influence. NGOs provide the optic through which the abuser will allow the victim to perceive their world and once absorbed into this flawed prism the victim's own cognitive dissonance will ensure they do not attempt a jail break.

In this state of oppressed consciousness the victim accepts what they are told. They accept that the US can sell cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia that obliterate human beings and lay waste to essential civilian infrastructure in Yemen. They accept that the US financially, ideologically and militarily supports the illegal state of Israel and provides the arsenal of experimental weapons that maim and mutilate children and civilians on a scale that is unimaginable. They accept that a crippling blockade of the already impoverished and starving nation of Yemen is "necessary" to resolve the issues of sectarian divisions that only exist in the minds of their Congressional abusers.

The majority of Americans accept mass murder under the pretext of the right to protect, because their ability to form rational and reasoned opinions has been engineered out of them. This is now the definition of US exceptionalism. It is their ability to manipulate the world into accepting their lawlessness and global hegemony agenda. In seeking to impose its own image upon our world the US has drifted so far from its founding principles, one wonders how they will ever return to them. They have employed a recognised form of torture to ensure capitulation to their mission of world domination which entails the mental, physical and spiritual torture of target civilian populations.

In conclusion, the US has indeed achieved exceptionalism. The US has become an exceptional global executioner and persecutor of Humanity. Imperialism is a euphemism for the depths of abuse the US is inflicting upon the people of this world.

Our only hope is to break the cycle of abuse with empathy for the victim and with appreciation for the years of brainwashing that precedes their agonizing passive-aggressive apathy towards crimes being committed in "their name".

This was an email I received recently from one courageous young American girl whose epiphany is testament to the resilience and survival instinct of the human spirit.

"My name is Caroline and I am a 22 year old US citizen. I only fairly recently discovered the truth about Empire/NATO's activities in Syria and Libya and so many other countries (thanks to writers like Andre Vltchek, Cory Morningstar, Forrest Palmer). I am sickened when I remember that I signed some of those Avaaz petitions and I feel horrified at knowing that I have Syrian and Libyan blood on my hands. I want to believe that I'm not "really" guilty because I really thought (as I had been told) that I was not doing something bad at the time, but still, what I did contributed to the suffering of those people and I want to do something to atone in at least some small way, even though I probably can't "make up" for what I did or erase my crime.

If it's not too much trouble, could you please tell me what you think I should do, if there is anything?"

She deserves an answer...

  • 41 komentarzy
    ostatnie komentarze z 21st Century Wire
    Пламень За Свободу 2022-01-07T22:51:14  0

    year 2022 and this tactic is still being successfully deployed through the promotion of experimental vaccine use and to discredit those who are against by their personal choice, informed consent, religious or health conditions.

    James Graham 2019-05-27T14:50:37  0

    She should take what she has learned from experience and tell the truth and warn others. No crime was committed. There was no malice aforethought and no deliberate and wilful intention to go out and cause harm to others. Only the guilty have no shame or remorse and no plan to mend their ways. We were all young and innocent once, which is a treasure. She just learned how to stop others robbing it from her.

    anonymousplease157 2019-05-15T22:27:54  0

    This article is garbage. I'm horribly ashamed to admit that I'm the person Beeley quoted in this article.I need to hold myself accountable for being an accomplice to this disgusting propaganda and fight it now. This website is not a credible source.

    Vanessa Beeley is a fascist propagandist and so are Andre Vltchek, Cory Morningstar, and Forrest Palmer. Gaddafi was an evil man and NATO was right to intervene and help get rid of him. Assad is a brutal, evil mass-murderer. I am the person she quoted in this article and I denounce and condemn everything I said along with the rest of this article. I'm glad I supported the call for a no-fly zone in Libya and for intervention in Syria. I'm supporting them both now.

    I now support the White Helmets and other NGOs that do life-saving work in Syria and I've written to my representatives and asked them to help hold Assad accountable for his crimes.

    I will continue to do until the crisis is over.

    Stop whitewashing dictators and denying war crimes. Stop spreading horrible propaganda.Shut this entire website down.

    AnesMerc 2018-02-19T17:56:59  1

    This is a good summary of this article and its author.

    Arby 2018-02-12T22:27:05  0

    The victims have to care. Caring is knowing.

    Arby 2018-02-12T22:15:39  0

    "So why do the American people accept US criminal hegemony, domestic and
    foreign brutal tyranny & neo-colonialist blood-letting with scant protest?" Because they are ruined. They are spiritually and mentally ruined.

    "Nazi America"

    Zorro in Hell 2018-02-12T17:37:41  0

    What a complete and intelligent analysis! I just posted it to my FACEBOOK page. The very nature of white supremacy is spelled out perfectly in this article.

    tom 2018-02-12T16:34:57  0

    Excellent article. But I am sorry to say that I think it lets US and other Western citizens off the hook too easily.

    Judging from what I have seen, both of my own friends and acquaintances and the general public, the vast majority simply do not care in the least what happens to foreigners, far away and out of sight.

    Indeed, as long as their own standard of living is maintained, they are not at all inclined to question anything their governments do.

    Scytale 2017-06-04T02:53:41  0

    You lost me at "international law." These "laws" consist solely of treaties that countries are free to violate at any time. They often do. Consider the US's refusal to abide by Nafta arbitration during the softwood lumber dispute. Or consider Canada's refusal to uphold the Kyoto accord which it signed along with most other countries except the U.S. Consider France or China's many violations of international law. Countries are not obliged to abide by the treaties they sign. This is why international laws is a lot of nonsense.

    sebjustseb 2017-05-28T11:23:56  0

    Propagandists vs. propagandists. Social engineering is practiced by all governments in forms of varying insidiousness. There is a mountain of evidence to support this. Why focus on just the US though? There are so many other countries to consider - literally every country that has a corporate news media.

    Combating gaslighting is simple - don't believe what you're told, always assume there is an interest served by the information you are receiving. Act accordingly to those assumptions. Problem solved.

    Dominic Pukallus 2017-05-28T00:40:31  0

    One small quibble. I feel like I already pretty much 'know' much of this and so skipped straight to comment on the one discordant note I found. The Gaslight movie you have provided the picture for seems to be the wrong one. The Gaslight which came out in 1944 and which is so powerful in exposing this type of behaviour starred Ingrid Bergman and an extremely creepy Chrles Boyer.

    A very young Angela Lansbury even appears as someone not doing Cockney terribly well. She had plenty of time to get ready for The Manchurian Candidate is all I can say.

    Andrea Bayer 2017-05-25T22:45:00  2

    Everybody can do sth immediately f.e. move to alternative banks like credit unions, do your shopping at local shops or co-operatives, avoid as much as possible to buy products from corporations, check out other constructive projects f.e. projects in transition towns f.e. https://www.transitiontownt... , and maybe you feel better working for people in your community even if you earn much less. This is my way (and I'm not tired to find more possibilities). Find your own way to say both: "no" to the destructive system you are facing and "yes" to your individual constructive decisions.

    SaBah Leilee 2017-05-24T02:28:37  1

    I was born and raised in Morocco. The abused abuser dynamics are not new and the cabal/globalists/occult used it and managed to dominate the human consciousness with it because it might be at the core of all human relationships with ourselves and our environment since long time ago. After the industrial revolution things sped up and with tv and radio and now internet we are ALL guilty. I am brown and my sister did not marry that man because was too dark :( crazy. No one is exceptional, we are all here on equal grounds seeking to understand and co-create a better world for all.It is true that U.S. and Israel are terrorist states, but with the blessing of all of us. We are all conditioned not to be free,

    Clarke Riedy 2016-09-16T06:21:20  0

    Hyperbolic rubbish, nothing short of fiction. There are elements of social pathology in any complex society. This one happens to have the means of healing its own sickness. This screed has only one prognosis: euthanasia, and it is unconstitutional. You folks are the "Death Panel" personified.

    Kiers 2016-06-08T04:11:12  0

    sounds like a candidate i see a lot of on TV

    Ali Hussain 2016-05-31T21:22:28  0

    Hearts of people are like wild beasts. They attach themselves to those who love and train them... PEACE!

    AMINO 2016-05-27T15:12:06  13

    This is truly a perspective altering article and should be
    digested, ruminated and disseminated by everyone. The breadth of the
    problem before us is seemingly insurmountable and will surely be too much for
    most to contemplate let alone challenge but in numbers we shall prevail.
    It is the slow and steady collective effort of the 99.9% chipping away at the
    metaphorical block of ice that blocks our path that is necessary but no more
    time can be wasted. Teach your children how to critically question the
    world around them and understand philosophy and the ontology. Express the
    truths contained in this article to as many people as you can through as many
    different mediums and to the best of your ability, deflect the feelings of
    intimidation and fear of ridicule you will encounter.

    Don’t allow yourself to become distracted, beguiled, overwhelmed
    and frightened by the information tsunami of the modern World. Cast aside any materialistic urges and acknowledge
    the true agenda behind the production, consumption mechanism that we are all
    part of. Your life is more valuable and
    opportunities more fantastic than the model of routine and consumption that you
    have been prescribed. Disconnect emotionally from the plasticity of the
    monetary driven World and allocate time, energy and love to the things that do
    not judge and pressure you.

    Only through determination, strength in numbers and most
    importantly Love, will we be successful.

    charkee 2016-05-27T13:37:50  5

    I was married to a sociopathic narcissist for 2 decades and gaslighting was constant. Take away the gaslighting, the bragging, fault finding and blaming, there is nothing there but an empty void where everybody else has a personality.

    arbalist }- 2016-05-27T05:50:38  8

    1st, the good news. It is not the US. It is the psychopathic Elite, the 1%?, who control The US. These 'exceptionalists' are responsible for so much horror in this world. Their money buys all the sycophants they want, and the education system they need.
    Now, the bad news. The longer this insanity goes on the fewer sane people there will be. How long will this go on for? How will life be for you after the next 5 years. Do you want this crazy stuff, and more, for the next 10 years? Will there be 'empathy' after 20?
    Perhaps, the way to 'break the cycle', is to use what's available, 'passive-aggressive' tactics. A Peaceful Revolution. Critical Mass: Non compliance with the PTB, and sabotage of every harmful order from uniformed dolts.

    plantaseed 2016-05-27T05:07:57  1

    Substance rich article. One to print, study/take on board. Commenting 'before' I do, due to time-constraints but this undoubtedly, a key article, we'd do well to re-post/revisit.

    Hits on themes I'm always 'rabbeting on about'. One is exceptionalism and this – I contend/relatively obviously – particularly rooted in a 'religious' understanding. Questions around what those behind/involved in US/Israel etc, actually believe? Their underlings and masses of supporters believe-along with untrue myths that underpin – but the levers-lot, behind those looking like in charge, what them? On a 'need to know' basis – a consideration I ponder but have my beliefs the way life works, therefore conclude, religious-based exceptionalism is the anti-Christ. Not what the Bible says – is. Historically well-meaning ones, held this misreading and so-what? – but despots of old, though to “meant to be” multitudes are the fuel, the oxygen, behind much destructive mania in the hands of the sick tribal-izers.

    The article ends on the question, which is deeply rooted in the purposes of Globalist Gaslighting. The one main gassing achievement. And – THE big-question. Underlies our efforts and a long way to being resistance' solution. We should put this at the bottom of every comment and those posting, turn it around, and put it at the end on every post or broadcast, as an invite. '”If it’s not too much trouble, could you please tell me what you think I should do, if there is anything?”/ She deserves an answer…' In my nutty-shell – this:

    Consider every outpost another push-out into the digital by commenting. Build on this and write something-otherwise (open door at Turn the phone to your face and splutter something. Take a photo shove on text and go media and social. Print up A4 sheets of writing, drawing, any jolly-thing and hand to strangers. Buy a bull-horn and stand on a street-corner. Etc.

    Truther-ville inadvertently, is so... like church. Abundant parallels. Too much audience not enough participation. It's why I blab – if anything to say, all let's have-a-go. THIS my message, not-so; listen to me but, “if I can… on ya go...”. With respect, the answer to winning this war, is not the obviously skilled Vanessa or Patrick etc. Never going to be enough. It's an army of V and P's. Who else are 'they' talking to? It's certainly the perpetrators and type in protest and public un-awake to lively up. But the big-one, is/are, the regular visitors to this site etc. This/these/us – the answer. (And it doesn't matter where, in the quality of output table, we sit, 'Opportunity Knocks'). 'She deserves an answer' ? – Empowerment, involvement, speak-out, public testimony, platforms for expression. Power. Like Paul – Acts 22:10 – first-thing: “What shall I do?” Don't shut-up/start-up – that what.

    Meltonmark 2016-05-26T20:55:20  6

    How I wish the entire world could read this article! With your permission I shall refer to it in future comments.

    anna miller 2016-05-26T16:27:01  6

    Excellent summation. Yes there are think tanks of cultural engineering. These think tank engineered programs are installed into academia, public school systems, and backed up by corporate mainstream media which is owned by the perpetrators.
    The first order of business would be to bust up the corporate media, through our anti-trust laws, already on the books. Re-establishing freedom of the press would create a true release from oligarchal controls. We have been deliberately lied to for far too long.

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