
The Kurds deserve all they get.

The Kurds deserve all they get.

They are just a Zionist catspaw.

They have no independent agency.

They are the whores of the Middle East.

The Kurds always whore themselves out to other powers, who use them for a while and dump them as soon as it is convenient.

In the past, they whored themselves out to the Shah of Iran, who used them as an expendable bargaining chip with Saddam Hussein, but they will whore themselves out to anyone, though it rarely does them any good, and they never learn from experience.

For the past few years, they have been serving Zionist interests, and they deserve all they are going to get.

  1. The Kurdish Connection: Israel, ISIS And U.S. Efforts To Destabilize Iran
  2. The Kurds: Washington's Weapon Of Mass Destabilization In The Middle East
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