
The Clooney Clan - Working for Empire

This is a brief precursor of an in depth article I am currently researching - to give a taste of the role of George Clooney as a celebrity wrecking ball for Empire:

George Clooney - Nazi supporter (Ukraine) and Regime Change "Warrior".

I would like to point out that there is no evidence that Clooney has "pulled" the #WhiteHelmet movie project, as is being claimed. Clooney and his wife are fervent supporters of regime change in #Syria and the White Helmets, proven by their attending screenings of existing WH movies. Amal Clooney personally campaigned for the Netflix "documentary" on White Helmets:…/5577778

"Clooney’s new organization, 'The Sentry', is part of The Enough Project, which is part of the Center for American Progress, which is a leading backer of 'humanitarian' wars, and various other wars for that matter — and which is funded by the world’s top war profiteer, Lockheed Martin, and by number-two Boeing, among other war profiteers."…/…/amp…

These "Sentry" early warning surveillance systems are used by the White Helmets to track SAA and Russian military and Air Force.…/how-syrian-civil-defense-is-al…

Clooney was instrumental in the Kony fraud also:

"KONY 2012 is a cleverly orchestrated campaign specifically aimed at today’s youth, the future citizens of the world. Using state-of-the-art techniques and new technologies, the campaign is a first attempt at 'reverse propaganda', where the agenda APPEARS to emanate from the people. By using emotions, irrational thoughts and superficial explanations, KONY 2012 attempts to trick well-meaning people, who desire to make a positive change in the world, to instead fuel a gigantic war machine that is controlled by the world’s elite."

Clooney is a part of the Imperialist Celebrity-cult-fetishist complex and manufactures consent for "humanitarian" wars. He is not a "friend" of Syria or any nation targeted by Empire. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations - Zionist project, he is connected to Crisis Group and Crisis Action all part of the NGO complex that infiltrates and works to destabilize sovereign nations, now focused on #Yemen.

ligarchs manufacturing consent for regime change wars:

Keith Harmon Snow on Darfur:

This is by no means a comprehensive list of the Clooney clan's role in Imperialist projects but it's enough evidence that we should not be fooled by the glamour and pseudo-humanitarian personas of these instruments from Empire's diva tool box.

Corbett Report: The Harebrained Scheme to Use Clooney and Jolie as Super Spies.

Lecture on the Ideology of Celebrity "Humanitarianism"

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