
One of these kids came to UN summit in private jet

One of these kids came to UN summit in private jet to bullshit people about her "stolen childhood".

An open letter from Kornelia Kirchweger to Greta Thunberg

...stole my childhood

With tears in your eyes, you accuse us "all in all", we stole your dreams, your childhood from you, you should not even be here, but be in school. You will not let go of "us" and keep an eye on "us." Wow! Your spurred words spring from a boundless ignorance. Because, is not it your generation that keeps this disposable society alive? You and your peers live in an unprecedented, material abundance that you take for granted and demand your parents.

We had nothing to throw away

I belong to the generation that grew up in the 60s. Dear Greta, we were living more climate-friendly than you and your ignorant children-devotees could even imagine. We put on the clothes of our older siblings, tights and socks were stuffed, clothes were not thrown away - everything useful, such as buttons or zippers, cut out. The rest was used as patches or cloths. Our way to school lasted an hour or more. There was no school bus and our parents did not chauffeur us to class. School books have been passed from one class to another.

...dirty but healthy

Our bikes had only one gear and we were proud of it. We did the shopping on foot - in the shopping network. Wrapping paper was carefully opened and reused. Not every day there was a bath or shower and not every household had a washing machine or even a car. Our rooms were not full of plastic toys. We had no electronic games and no smartphones. We spent our youth on meadows and in woods, not WhatsApp or Instagram. We were dirty but healthy and did not suffer from obesity, allergies and depression.

Youth is not a role model

How hypocritical your protests are! Children of your age cause more CO2 than all youth generations before. Your closets are full of clothes, sewn by child slaves in Asia. Your cool smartphones and tablets regularly end up as scrap in poor countries. Everything you have in abundance and demand is produced with CO2 emissions and mostly imported. That is why you are no model for a climate-friendly society.

Therefore, dear Greta, take your peers into prayer and dedicate your wrath to them. He is totally out of place with us.

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