
No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference

Why would the Global Elite like Soros select an autistic, clinically depressed teenager with learning disabilities like Greta Thunberg? To begin with, it's harder to criticize a handicapped person. And of course a teenage alarmist must behave as simple-mindedly as her supporters so they can think they are as smart as her. And children are traditionally gullible and easily misled, so Greta is perfect for this hoax...

  1. The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg For Consent: A Design to Win - A Multi-Billion Dollar Investment
  2. The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg - for Consent: Controlling the Narrative
  3. The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg - for Consent: To Plunder What Little Remains: It’s Going To Be Tremendou
  4. The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg - for Consent: They Mean Business
  5. The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg - for Consent: The Behavioural Change Project "To Change Everything"
  6. Greenwashing the Climate Catastrophe
  7. Greenwashing? The Green Marches are Mute on the "War Factor"

Marc Reisinger details how he met Greta on the street in Stockholm during one of her climate sit-ins: “I heard you’re telling students to study the climate. I’d like to interview you on this topic if you agree.” He sensed her discomfort, perhaps fear, then she pulled off her wool cap at which point a middle-aged woman appeared, pulling Greta away, saying she had something else to do. All with the help of a bodyguard dressed in black watching the scene. The video showing this encounter has English subtitles:

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