
Macron slave of the zionists

Macron, french president and slave of the zionists, exhibited as a trophy at the CRIF annual dinner.

France is not what it used to be. It no longer belongs to the French. It is mined from within and it is the Jewish-Zionist lobby that runs it as it pleases. It is AIPAC’s sister organization CRIF (Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France) that dictates the procedure to be followed by the French government. With the Fabius-Gayssot law of 13 July 1990, which makes it possible to punish nationalist newspapers with heavy fines and stifle them, the Frenchman has become a foreigner in his own country. And to finish the picture, most of its recent presidents are not native Frenchmen. If you see all this, you will be called an anti-Semite, so there is cause for despair.

Le Grand Taboo; the Talmudic stranglehold of France that no one dares to talk about
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