
Coup in Bolivia

In Bolivia, a military coup occurred, which led to the overthrow of President Evo Morales, who resigned.

Things have been developing in about the same way as not so long ago we saw this in Venezuela. Local elections were used as a trigger, and the right-wing opposition acted as an instrument.

The United States, its satellites in Latin America and the EU countries did not recognize the election results in Bolivia, after which mass protests began there.

Evo Morales won the election in the second round, ahead of the right candidate by 10% of the vote. The trick is that if you score more than 10% than your opponent, then another round is not needed. If less than 10%, then it is needed.

Since the figure was on the verge (while Morales as a whole had more than 600,000 votes), this was used to organize the coup, which was condemned by Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

The events actually traced Venezuela - street protests in large cities by the right, attacks on activists of the ruling party, denial of legitimacy by the United States and the KO, pressure on the army to deny Morales support too. Using the OAS to deligitimize Morales, suggestions to leave for Mexico. As a result, what didn’t work in Venezuela, where all this toolkit, including the president appointed from Washington, was aimed at overthrowing Maduro, in Bolivia, it worked, allowing the president to be overthrown, who gained 600,000 more votes in the democratic elections.

De facto, this is a banal color coup, like Ukrainian.

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