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Super Size Me

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Super Size Me

 mp4 |  Bitchute

directors: Morgan Spurlock, USA 2004, 1h 40m

Morgan Spurlock, the director of Super Size Me, came up with a great hook for his debut as a documentary filmmaker.

His experiment, to eat nothing but three McDonalds meals a day every day for 30 consecutive days, provides an entertaining and occasionally disturbing narrative thread that allows for informative and engaging tangents about American culture's disturbing trend toward obesity.

Though the prose in his voice-overs occasionally reveals Spurlock's amateurism, the editing and the quality of his interviews more than make up for it.

Spurlock has absorbed the work of Michael Moore and manages to achieve the same intricate balance between laughter, shock, and information that makes Moore's films entertaining, although Spurlock is without any righteous anger.

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