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Sandy Hook: The Real Truth

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Sandy Hook: The Real Truth

 mp4 | Odysee

directed: Mark Howitt US 2013, 2h 57m

Mark Howitt takes an investigative look into the events and controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting which happened on December 14th 2012. This documentary explores several aspects of the event and is an attempt to shed some light and provide logical answers to the many questions that remain as to what happened in Newtown. Using rare news and article clips, testimonies, police audio analysis and a journalistic approach, it is quite clear that we are not being told the truth about what really happened. Was there others involved in the crime? Why have authorities and media provided abundant amounts of misleading information, changing the official narrative on countless occasions? These questions and more are looked at in great detail to try and make sense of things and bring closure to one of the biggest conspiracies in modern times.

Topics discussed include identities of multiple suspects, police audio analysis, witness testimonies, media manipulation of facts, the Lanza family, the gun ban issue, intelligence agencies, project longevity, examples of covert operations, crisis actors, living victims, FEMA drills, advanced knowledge of attack, motive of crime, and several other key aspects to this case.

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