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Oligarchy and Zionism

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Oligarchy and Zionism

 mp4 | Odysee

directed: Béatrice Pignède FR 2013, 1h 38m

Is the "New World Order" a recent project like the mainstream media would have us believe, or is it inspired by more ancient aims? What in particular are its ties with Zionism and 17th century Christian reformism, which explain much about the current osmosis between Israel and the United States? This film endeavors to relate the project of this internationalist oligarchy, which has confiscated democracy and people's sovereignty to the benefit of a caste, by questioning its origins and its networks-lobbies, but, above all, by showing its flaws. The financial oligarchy wants to drown the world in chaos, blood and warfare, and goes about this through its game of repeated provocations and counterprovocations. This tactic will help to deflect attention from the extremely serious collapse of their system and to stifle any questioning that could change the order. Far from being a fatalistic and omnipotent vision of these banksters, this documentary shows their failure, which is not only moral, but ideological and strategic, opening up new paths toward a global balance that is fairer and already underway.

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