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Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide Of Nazi Germany

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Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide Of Nazi Germany


directed: Kyle Hunt USA 2015, 1h 30m

A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II.

The real holocaust, was the genocide committed by the Jews and their allied forces against the Germans, during and after the 2nd World War. Now, Kyle Hunt has created a great independent documentary based on the detailed and meticulous book by Thomas Goodrich, "Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947". Kyle and all those who contributed to the creation of this documentary, have done an excellent graphic work, and without distorting, they show the hell on earth that was released on Germany in the name of "freedom", "humanity" and "democracy" , and all those stupid words that continue to use until today to justify their agenda of global conquest they pursue.

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