Cult Of The Medics
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directed: David Whitehead US 2021-22
This is the culmination of 15 years of research that I am presenting in several episodes. This project is on-going and all-encompassing, and it's important that it's out there. Therefore, I am releasing this project for free. You can share, download, re-upload, clip, and reference. All I ask is that you credit where credit is due, and make a small financial contribution if you see its value.
Chapter One of a new documentary series about the occult history of the medical industrial complex, created by David Whitehead.
Something is terribly wrong with our world. Deep down I am sure you feel it or you would not be watching a series like this. So strap yourself in. It is time we learn about and explore one of the world’s most ancient and most powerful cults, that I refer to as “the cult of the medics."
Chapter two explores the history of the Knights of Malta, the Red Cross, The concept of "sustainable development", the founding of the United Nations, and the difference between conspiracy theories and conspiracy facts.
Chapter three explores the Nuremberg Trials, the Nuremberg Code, and individual rights. I then investigate the Jim Jones cult and compare it to current events. Discussions on BlackRock and Vanguard also featured.
Chapter Four delves into these subjects: The nature/origins of evil. The dark history of human sacrifice, human experimentation, bizarre cult rituals. Mind control/crowd control. The one vs the many. The psychic war on consciousness. The warrior path.
Chapter Five discusses Black Magick, Transhumanism and the question of our time: What does it mean to be human?
Chapter Six "Missing Pieces" covers Pandemic of Corruption, The Club of Rome, The Order of the Alchemists, Deep Church/Deep State, Etymology, The Rockefeller Syndicate, Human 2.0, Dark Matter, Moral of the Story.
Chapter Seven
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