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Banda Bassotti. The Sound of Red

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Banda Bassotti. The Sound of Red

 mp4 | Odysee

directed: Oleg Nekishev RU 2023 26m

The Bassotti Band is an Italian music group that performs on European stages, urging an end to the shelling of the Donbass civilians by the Ukrainian army. Through their concerts, the artists are able to engage with a wide audience. They have collectively established the 'Anti-fascist Caravan', delivering humanitarian aid to Donbas since 2014. This time, citizens of Italy, Germany, Portugal, and Turkey all joined to get acquainted with the situation in Donbass firsthand. Activists emphasise that true comprehension of the events and the importance of holding those responsible for crimes against civilians, can only be grasped on-site. The musicians' Anti-fascist Caravan not only aids those affected by Ukrainian shelling but also aims to raise awareness about the reality of the conflict.

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