
Know Your Vaccines: Top 10 Toxic Adjuvants and Ingredients

by Makia Freeman on 21st Century Wire

Toxic vaccine adjuvants and ingredient are not emphasized enough in the debate over the safety of vaccines. The medical establishment, which has essentially been wed to Big Pharma ever since its inception by the Rockefellers, routinely downplays the idea that these adjuvants are quite harmful. In reality, many are known carcinogens.

Western medicine also tends to makes the excuse that it is a case of "benefit vs. risk", and that the benefit outweighs the risk – but does it really, given the ton of natural alternative remedies and the fact that these adjuvants can get stuck in your body forever? I have listed 1o of the most common toxic vaccine adjuvants below, and after reading about each one, please consider whether you think we can accurately call vaccines "good medicine", given that these 10 adjuvants are being injected directly into the bloodstream (thus bypassing the digestive filters) of every vaccine patient who receives them.

You can confirm that these adjuvants and ingredients are indeed being added to vaccines by looking the official lists of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) as well as other websites like this.

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #1: Mercury (Thimerosal or Thiomersal)

Mercury, which constitutes 49.7% of thimerosal (or thiomersal), has been commonly known for a very long time to be a highly toxic agent. Mercury has always been beloved by allopathy ever since its inception; in fact, the 3 main treatments of the early allopaths of the 19th century were bloodletting, surgery and the injection of toxic heavy metals like lead and mercury to purportedly displace disease! The expression "mad as a hatter" comes from the observation that the early hat makers, who used mercury in felt to make hats, became crazy through inhaling the stuff.

Numerous studies have been done on the toxicity of mercury, with evidence it leads to infertility, gastritis (a precancerous stage of gastric cancer), neurodegeneration, mitochondrial abnormalities, nephrotic syndrome, apoptosis (cell death) and autism, yet the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer, under the auspices of the Rockefeller-created WHO) still refuses to admit mercury can cause cancer and is leaving mercury categorized as a class 2b possible carcinogen (as opposed to class 2a probable carcinogen or class 1 definite carcinogen). The study above on cell death concluded:

Mercury (Hg) is a highly toxic metal that can exert multiple adverse effects, ultimately leading to cell death. Before causing death, the Hg enters the cells and affects diverse intracellular targets.

Since thimerosal contains about 50% mercury by weight, vaccines with a ratio of 1:10,000 (or 0.01% thimerosal) have about 50 mg/L mercury, which exceeds the 0.2 mg/L hazardous waste toxicity regulatory level for mercury. According to US state and federal hazardous waste management requirements, any vaccines with this level of thimerosal which are discarded need to be treated as hazardous waste.

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #2: Aluminum

Aluminum is another metal which, like mercury, is highly harmful for human health. Aluminum is a "light" metal rather than a heavy metal like lead and mercury, but its health effects are devastating nonetheless. As a vaccine adjuvant, aluminum is normally mixed into the vaccine as a salt, e.g. as aluminium phosphate and aluminium hydroxide.

This study specifically asked the question, "Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?" and found they were not. Other studies have implicated aluminum in the development of impaired congitive function, neurotoxicity, Alzheimer's and autism. (It should be noted, however, that it is possible to take aluminum into the body if it is tightly bound as a molecule and not suffer any ill effects, because it will pass straight through the body and not be released. An example of this is zeolite, a matrix of aluminum silicates, which is actually a spectacular health supplement that can safely remove toxins like mercury from your body.)

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #3: Human Diploid Cells (Aborted Fetuses)

Believe it or not, fetal DNA tissue in used in vaccine cultures, disguised under the name of diploid cells. A diploid cell is simply a cell with a double set if chromosomes. These cells are human cells, derived from the tissue of babies or fetuses, some of which are definitely aborted! This has being going on for over 50 years. The article Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines admits that "Two different strains of human diploid cell cultures made from fetuses have been used extensively for vaccine production for decades. One was developed in the United States in 1961 (called WI-38) and the other in the United Kingdom in 1966 (called MRC-5)."

Many people, religious or not, are understandably opposed to allowing themselves to be injected with the tissue of dead babies. Would you want to be injected with that? There are major ethical ramifications here, not to mention grave health issues too. A study by Dr. Deisher found a connection between the injection of human diploid cells and autism. The basis of this is that when you inject something foreign into your body, your cells will either assimilate it (whereby the foreign human DNA will be transported into nuclei and be integrated into host genome, causing phenotype change) or attack it (meaning you develop an auto-immune response, leading to the auto-immune diseases of the ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorder]). Either way, residual human fetal DNA fragments in vaccines can be one of causes of autism in children. Dr. Deisher's study concluded:

Autistic disorder change points years are coincident with introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines, containing fetal and retroviral contaminants, into childhood vaccine regimens. This pattern was repeated in the US, UK, Western Australia and Denmark. Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells.

I also recommend watching Clint Richardson's fantastic documentary "Lethal Injection" where he delves into the issue of aborted diploid cells and offers further research and analysis.

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #4: Animal Cells

Almost all vaccines need something in which to grow the culture, and that normally means animal cells. All sorts of animals are used for this, including chickens, pigs, dogs, monkeys, horses, rabbits, cows and more. All these animal cells remain in trace amounts in the vaccine, as admitted by the FDA. This means that when you allow a vaccine to be injected into your body, you are allowing animal DNA into your body, which of course are foreign protein cells. Is this really a good idea for your body? Consider that:

  1. many vaccines contain egg-derived albumin, which is responsible for a lot of allergic reactions according to this study;
  2. pig/swine viruses were discovered in the Rotarix vaccine which the FDA suspended in 2010;
  3. the polio vaccines of the 1960s, which contained monkey cells, were contaminated with a virus known as SV40 (simian virus 40). This later was shown to cause widespread cancer.

New vaccines are now being developed which contain dog cells (e.g. Flucelvax). Additionally, albumin can be human-derived, but it's still a problem. This study concluded side effects were grossly under-reported, and there are still have concerns over the safety of it.

Marti Oakley in an article on Activist Post entitled "Vaccines: Human and Animal DNA" points out that:

Cell lines, which can be derived from aborted human babies, can last for decades and are developed from a single type of cell. Yet it is known that after continuous culturing these lines begin to mutate into cancer-causing agents. If these cell lines do this spontaneously in the lab, what are the chances they are doing the same thing once inside the human body where the culturing never ends? … We are being injected via vaccine with bits and pieces of other human beings; with the bits and pieces of other mammals. Whatever the intended purpose of vaccines was initially, it is apparent that too little is either known or acknowledged regarding the potential adverse side affects from co-mingling the DNA of humans and animals and the potential for viral and bacterial cross-contaminations that can and do occur.

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #5: MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

MSG (monosodium glutamate or sodium glutamate) is the sodium salt of the glutamic acid (glutamate), which is one of the amino acids or protein building blocks. Free glutamic acid is a neurotransmitter that your brain, nervous system, eyes, pancreas and other organs need to function and start certain processes in your body. MSG has become notorious for being a hidden ingredient in many foods which creates the illusion of protein or more food being present in what you're eating – when they're really not. In 1959, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) labeled MSG as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS), yet since then it has acknowledged the existence of an "MSG Symptom Complex" which describes short-term reactions to MSG. These include numerous side effects which people experience after eating MSG, such as numbness, headaches, fatigue, disorientation and heart palpitations.

Despite its GRAS rating, the FDA commissioned a study on MSG in 1995, probably because of people complaining about "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome". This study found that MSG Symptom Complex can involve symptoms such as:

  1. Burning sensation
  2. Facial pressure or tightnes
  3. Chest pain or difficulty breathin
  4. Headache
  5. Nausea
  6. Palpitation
  7. Numbness
  8. Tingling
  9. Bronchospasm
  10. Drowsiness
  11. Weakness

How many people are sensitive to MSG? It has been estimated up to 40%. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and author of "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills", has done considerable research on MSG. He calls it an excitotoxin, meaning it overexcites your cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain damage to varying degrees, and potentially triggering or worsening amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease), Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. All three diseases can develop gradually.

Why is MSG being used in vaccines? It's being used because it is a stabilizer that prevents or slows down oxidation or damage from light. This website claims that MSG is only added to some vaccines: "Glutamate is added as a nutrient to the growth medium for MMR-II and is not in the final product in significant amounts; monosodium glutamate is added to FluMist (0.188 mg/0.2 mL dose); monosodium L-glutamate is added to ProQuad (.4mg), Zostavax (.62mg) and Varivax (.5mg); and potassium glutamate is added to RabAvert (1mg)."

Still, since MSG is a known toxin with deleterious effects on human health, why do doctors willingly inject it into people?

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #6: Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a foul-smelling chemical used a preservative and biocide. The IARC categorizes it as a class 1 definite carcinogen, and the National Toxicology Program concluded in this study that:

Formaldehyde is known to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans and supporting data on mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Formaldehyde was first listed in the Second Annual Report on Carcinogens in 1981 as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence from studies in experimental animals. Since that time, additional cancer studies in humans have been published...

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #7: Antibiotics

Antibiotics are typically used in vaccine production and manufacture. Antibiotics were once the crown jewel of Western medicine, with their ability to wipe out infectious diseases, but many have long known they are a double-edged sword. Antibiotics indiscriminately kill all the bacteria in your system, helpful or harmful. This obviously destroys the balance of bacteria in your gut, which forms the basis of your immune system. Thus, antibiotics invite all sorts of future problems and disease (unless you quickly re-establish the proper balance of bacteria, e.g. with probiotics), including fungal attacks.

I have previously written about the phenomenon of antibiotic overuse. There have been many reports in the last few years that Big Pharma is no longer investing in antibiotics, because every time they invent a new antibiotic drug, the bacteria adapt to it and change. This process is fueling the rise of superbugs. The FDA states some of the antibiotics used during vaccine manufacture include neomycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin and gentamicin. Some of these belong to the aminoglycoside class of antibiotics, which include side effects such as dizziness, nausea, renal (kidney) toxicity and ototoxicity (hearing loss).

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #8: Squalene

Squalene was an experimental toxic vaccine adjuvant added to vaccines around the time of the first Gulf War. Squalene has been implicated in GWS (Gulf War Syndrome) in this study, and the DoD (Department of Defense) conveniently "lost" (read destroyed) 700,000 immunization records, which might have told us why squalene was showing up in Gulf War veterans' blood samples. commented:

A military lab researcher interviewed by Insight was quoted as saying, "We have found soldiers who are not sick that do not have the antibodies, and we found soldiers who never left the United States, but who got shots (administered by the military) who are sick—and they have squalene in their systems. We found people who served overseas in various parts of the desert that are sick who have squalene. And we found people who served in the desert but were civilians who never got the shots, who are not sick and do not have squalene."

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #9: Peanut Oil #65

Peanuts are known as a very common allergen, yet despite this, there are some vaccines which contain peanut oil. It has been used for a very long time. In fact, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky writes that it has been in use since 1960, and since Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers are not required by law to list every single ingredient used in culturing vaccines, there may be no real way to now which vaccines have traces of it. He writes:

If current vaccine package inserts do not contain the specific evidence that peanut oil, or peanut meal, is contained within the final vaccine product, it does not mean that peanut antigen is not in the final vaccine product. Vaccine manufacturers use different growth media on which to manufacture the vaccines. They do not report, and I believe are not required to report, the exact ingredients in all of the growth media. Therefore, we may not know whether peanut antigen is used in the vaccine manufacturing process just by reading through the package inserts … and, it may, or may not, have anything to do with an attempt to purposely hide the information that peanut antigen is present in vaccines.

Peanut oil is far from the only adjuvant used in vaccines which is highly allergenic. Other vaccine antigens, such as those used in Hepatitis B vaccines and the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine Gardasil, are manufactured in yeast cells. Yeast proteins have been shown to cause allergic reactions in people. Do you want this stuff in your bloodstream?

Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants - Ingredients #10: GMOs

On top of all the toxic vaccine adjuvants listed above, the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) issue also pertains to vaccines, because vaccines are now being made with genetically engineered viruses. This goes to show that, sadly, the so-called sacred precautionary principle of science is often thrown to the wind when the potential for massive profit arises. We simply do not know what effect genetically engineered viruses will have on the human body long term.

What happens when foreign DNA is inserted into the body? Does it trigger undesirable changes in human cells? Does the human body treat it as foreign and attack it? Does it combine with human DNA, and if so, is the new combined DNA an enhancement or impairment? Will it transfer to future generations? We're clearly moving into unknown and potentially very dangerous territory by allowing this stuff to be be injected into our bodies.

This study warned of the dangers of using genetically engineered viruses in vaccines:

Genetically modified (GM) viruses and genetically engineered virus-vector vaccines possess significant unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful potential hazards … Important questions concerning effects on nontargeted individuals within the same species or other species remain unknown. Horizontal transfer of genes, though lacking supportive experimental or epidemiological investigations, is well established. New hybrid virus progenies resulting from genetic recombination between genetically engineered vaccine viruses and their naturally occurring relatives may possess totally unpredictable characteristics with regard to host preferences and disease-causing potentials. Furthermore, when genetically modified or engineered virus particles break down in the environment, their nuclei acids are released … There is inadequate knowledge to define either the probability of unintended events or the consequences of genetic modifications.

Other Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants and Ingtedients

In addition the above top 10 toxic vaccine adjuvants and ingredients, it would also be wise to take note of many other possible vaccine fillers, which include:

  1. acetone (solvent used in fingernail polish remover)
  2. ammonium sulfate
  3. amphotericin B
  4. betapropiolactone
  5. formalin
  6. gelatin
  7. glycerol
  8. hydrolized gelatin
  9. phenol red indicator
  10. phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
  11. potassium diphosphate
  12. potassium monophosphate
  13. polymyxin B
  14. polysorbate 20
  15. polysorbate 80
  16. residual MRC5 proteins
  17. sorbitol
  18. streptomycin (antibiotic)
  19. tri(n)butylphosphate (neurotoxin)

Investigating vaccines fully and deeply is like opening a witch's "Pandora's box" brew … who knows what creatures and concoctions are lurking in that syringe?

  • 100 komentáře
    poslední komentáře od 21st Century Wire
    Ivan_K 2024-05-01T11:52:30  0

    This was a pleasure to listen to.

    William H Warrick III MD 2024-04-26T01:46:22  0

    They assassinated Wellstone.

    Al Carbone 2024-04-17T21:43:46  1

    WTF is wrong with ritter that he is so bothered that the US green lighted the attack by iran on israel?

    dufrianord 2024-04-16T15:13:11  0

    Sympathy with Muslims in Palestine but I don't see an iota of that solidarity when it comes to white Christian Europeans in Ukraine under brutal invasion by Russia from 21centurywire and it is disappointing.

    SHARKPROD 2024-04-16T12:26:34  0


    Dr Mudhafar Yacoub 2024-04-15T13:36:05  0

    I am afraid the whole show is a play agreed upon and directed by the USA deep state and Israel. If these Iranian were genuine enemies of the west and Israel why did not they move a finger to prevent the slaughter of thousands of innocent children and women. Why did not they move their army to face the Israel army and put an end to the hubris and arrogance displayed by the aggressors? This attack is exactly like Ein AlAsad base attack in Iraq where no one SINGLE soldier was harmed and only some corrugated metal plates were dislodged. I do believe secret planning and negotiations have taken place and everything was preplanned and orchestrated by the Americans. In general,Iranians are more savvy and wise than Arab and Muslims.

    Angie Stewart 2024-04-15T05:09:45  0

    Sam Huessini has one of the most lucid & cogent perspectives on Gaza today. Great interview! I mean, completely frustrating and maddening like all things ZE but nice.

    David Williams 2024-04-13T07:50:45  0

    As an avid follower of this impeachment case, I believe that the testimony of Ukrainian prosecutor Kostyantyn Kulyk could indeed be a game-changer. His evidence might be the key to understanding the depth of the alleged corruption. As someone who often uses a legal essay writing service for insights, I can’t stress enough the importance of thorough investigation and fair proceedings in this matter.

    iBot 2024-04-05T22:40:22  0

    ... in case her Frenz find a way to eliminate Trump 2024-04-05T17:33:24  0

    And what did Bibi say? Let me guess. No?

    john smith 2024-04-05T10:28:30  0

    As I was seeking Dissertation Writing Help UK, I stumbled upon this intriguing scenario. It's clear to me now that the impeachment of Joe Biden isn't just a theory, but a reality. The key to this case could be Ukrainian prosecutor Kulyk Kostyantyn, whose testimony might just break this case wide open.

    Jack Bean 2024-04-04T08:32:47  0

    The "apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia" is irrelevant in the discussion for the simple reason is that their are Arabs represented in the Knesset.
    The term apartheid was weaponised by Marxists to ostracise communities. That was the objective.

    David Jones 2024-04-04T07:34:47  0

    As someone who uses a personal statement writer service, I found this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show particularly enlightening. The discussion with Blake Lovewell about Israel’s economic struggles amidst its war on Gaza was a stark reminder of the real-world consequences of conflict. It’s clear that the ‘war economy’ isn’t benefiting Netanyahu as planned. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the situation.

    bonami 2024-03-30T16:32:43  0

    Perhaps place grains on the doorsteps of the elected officials who apparently do not appreciate the problem? To protest at their offices may be futile, for are they ever even there? Good luck to you brave farmers!

    OlgaPosts 2024-03-24T03:58:27  0

    This is the Great Tribulation now- worldwide.
    ===> “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” ……. (Revelation 13:16-17) Read Revelation 14:9-12 for spiritual consequence for taking this mark.



    Dennis Wilson 2024-03-22T16:38:44  0

    Voltaire's view https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

    Thomas Malthaus 2024-03-20T15:48:03  0
    Ukraine's Military Losses Amount to Over 71,000 People Since Start of 2024 - Shoigu

    Renics Nykoros 2024-03-15T01:54:48  0

    The article is completely crap, replete with double political standards. A la, what is beneficial for the United States is accepted, and what is beneficial for other parties is generally ignored and not noticed.

    jeanlucpicard63 2024-03-14T02:13:36  0

    "Tool" being the apt word to describe Khan.

    jeanlucpicard63 2024-03-14T01:43:46  0

    The situation in the Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza have become a cautionary tale to US intelligence agencies, as well as the other western nations intelligence organizations, which is why the 1st causality of the info wars will be Tik-Tok , which has rained havoc on main stream narratives.
    due to it's platform's "real time"capabilities . Look for the targeting of all similar platforms, which are not yet in the control of nations intelligence apparatuses.

    The labeling of independent news which has deferred away from "official"news organizations, such as 21st century was the 1st shot across the bow.The intelligence communities around the world got caught with their pants down. This move against Tik-Tok is the 1st step in remedying that mistake.

    Despotism at it's finest.

    Southern 2024-03-12T07:25:59  0
    In 2015, the PA signed the Rome Statute that governs the ICC. However some countries, such as the United States and Syria are not signatories and therefore shielded from prosecution in the Hague over war crimes. Israel is also not a signatory.

    On the contrary - The Palestinian authority have signed the Rome Statute [in 2015] and therefor the ICC does have juristiction - Even though the Palestinian territories are being occupied and colonized by the Zionist.

    For example....Individuals, of course, are not able to choose a jurisdiction when it comes to criminal law and, in this case, Afghanistan is one of the 123 countries that has ratified the Rome Statute. The Court does, therefore, have jurisdiction in Afghanistan. It also has jurisdiction over anyone of any nationality committing war crimes on Afghan soil, including nationals of non-state parties, such as Americans. Washington has always vehemently disagreed with this stance


    Khan was appointed by a secret ballot and has a history of defending war criminals.

    The QC has promised to reform the prosector’s office to make it more efficient. [for who?]

    OlgaPosts 2024-03-10T03:51:33  1

    Have you heard about the Quantum Dot Tattoo? It will be coming with the microneedle vaccine patch.


    Thomas Malthaus 2024-03-09T22:44:01  1

    March 09, 2024

    Israel 'Coerces' UN Workers - By Outright Torturing Them
    Every time one thinks that the depravity of Zionist fanatics has finally reached a limit they will proudly present even worse behavior.

    UNRWA report says Israel coerced some agency employees to falsely admit Hamas links - Reuters, Mar 9 2024

    The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said some employees released into Gaza from Israeli detention reported having been pressured by Israeli authorities into falsely stating that the agency has Hamas links and that staff took part in the Oct. 7 attacks.
    Coerced, pressured, ... Maybe they had a harsh talk?

    No. They outright tortured, Abu Graibh like, these UN workers. Some of them to their death:

    The document said several UNRWA Palestinian staffers had been detained by the Israeli army, and added that the ill-treatment and abuse they said they had experienced included severe physical beatings, waterboarding, and threats of harm to family members.
    In addition to the alleged abuse endured by UNRWA staff members, Palestinian detainees more broadly described allegations of abuse, including beatings, humiliation, threats, dog attacks, sexual violence, and deaths of detainees denied medical treatment, the UNRWA report said.
    Reuters could not independently confirm the accounts of coercion of UNRWA staff and mistreatment of detainees, although the allegations of ill-treatment accord with descriptions by Palestinians freed from detention in December, February and March reported by Reuters and other news media.
    Remi Brulin @RBrulin - 0:44 UTC · Mar 9, 2024
    “We tortured some folks” is pretty bad

    “We tortured some folk so we could destroy a huge relief organization that’s indispensable in dealing with a huge humanitarian crisis that we created in the first place” is…. something else

    What are civilized people supposed to do with these miscreants?

    Moon of Alabama post.

    mike hardwicke 2024-03-04T10:46:31  0

    Clearly these commentators have no idea who controls the world and have done so for near-on a century now.. Liz Truss is quite correct although I doubt she even knows the real truth!

    Steveabc 2024-03-04T00:09:03  0

    Amandha is not easily indoctrinated, true, yet she believes in a god which has no evidence. She mentions toxins being the reason people get sick, true, yet she doesn't mention the toxins in plants which are the MAIN cause of metabolic disease. So see kenberryMD as well as Amandha.

    Brewerstroupe 2024-02-29T07:58:52  0

    Possibly the best Patrick/Basil exchange so far - and that's saying a lot.

    OlgaPosts 2024-02-25T04:37:52  0

    ===> For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the JEWS, WHO KILLED THE LORD JESUS and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and OPPOSE ALL MANKIND. (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15)

    Those JEWISH PERSECUTORS killed both the Lord Jesus and the Prophets, and drove us out of their midst. They are displeasing to God, and ARE THE ENEMIES OF ALL MANKIND; (1 Th 2:14-15; Weymouth)


    tigtog64 2024-02-24T17:23:08  0

    Deliberate action intended to turn the world against us and europe.

    And then there will be an attempted genocide (world war - west vs rest of the world) of the white people of these nations.

    Marion 2024-02-24T04:25:19  1

    Free Assange! Give his young family peace for the love of God

    Marion 2024-02-24T04:23:02  0

    Continuing the Ukraine war while the flower of its youth is sacrificed on the altar of corporate vanities and its knowledge economy is decimated to oblivion represents the greatest betrayal of a sovereign people in history

    sunny aveeno 2024-02-21T22:58:13  0

    She's a loser, just doesn't know when to quit.

    Renics Nykoros 2024-02-19T22:07:50  0

    Argentina elected a president for itself in order to then protest against his irresponsible and ridiculous governance.

    Renics Nykoros 2024-02-19T20:00:34  1

    And at the same time, so as not to disgrace himself in front of the whole world, they blamed everything on Stalin and the Russians. And what did they do in Vietnam, Iraq and Serbia, and all this in the name of the profits of the military industrial complex in the United States. And now the supply of weapons to Israel and Ukraine and no negotiations to prevent this global horror.

    Dennis Wilson 2024-02-19T02:12:00  0


    Dennis Wilson 2024-02-19T01:58:02  0


    OlgaPosts 2024-02-18T05:03:28  0

    The GREAT RESET = the Great Tribulation = (Distress of those days of Mt. 24:29) = New World Order = New Normal = Agenda 21 / 30 / The first 3 seals have been opened.

    =======> Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.…(Matthew 10:28-29)

    There is no once saved always saved. (Ephesians 5:5-6; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)



    Superbuggg 2024-02-13T09:15:51  0

    Chime in please... I believe the very unpresidential invitation of Carlson to The Kremlin exposes the Putin imposter/doppelganger likely to be a history professor! Swapping this guy into the role in 2015 has guaranteeably prolonged reign of 'Putin Inc.'! Ahem...

    Whomydaddy 2024-02-11T21:07:35  0


    William H Warrick III MD 2024-02-10T17:45:34  0

    Patrick I told him right before the 2020 (S)election that Biden had Early Stage II Alzheimer’s Dementia and he said “No, it’s just his gaffes”. Now he is well into Stage III and the Demoncrats have no idea what to do.
    William H Warrick III MD

    oizaz lahcen 2024-02-08T14:05:01  0

    For us, the most convincing technical explanation of what exactly happened during 9/11 is the testimony of Dimitri Khalezov in his book The Third Truth. All the other explanations are designed to sow division and distract from the real story. For example, do people know that on an average day hundreds of people of Jewish descent are present in the twin towers but did not show up that day?

    Koptimistic™ 2024-02-06T15:17:35  0

    Hey Patrick, we were connected on Facebook under my old account, Japhy Ryder, under the moniker Pete Dust now!
    You've done some work with a friend of mine, Steve Falconer, tried to add you but to no avail!

    emma678mia 2024-02-05T13:52:58  0

    In this insightful episode, Patrick Henningsen and Blake Lovewell delve into the complex intersection of geopolitics and economics surrounding Israel. As the discussion unfolds, it becomes apparent that even amidst the challenges, the need for comprehensive solutions persists. Just as global affairs evolve, consider the transformative impact of advancements in aesthetic medical center, reflecting the continuous pursuit of enhancing well-being.

    Laura Green 2024-02-03T18:30:50  1

    Not a single comment ?
    Thank you , Mr. Peled, for your honesty and courage.

    Carwen 2024-02-03T08:41:54  0

    The farmers say they are feeding people, but people don't need animal products to live - I feel sorry for them but this has to happen, climate change might be the excuse to make it happen but its happening anyway and we have to go with it, not fight.

    GRB 2024-02-02T20:39:48  0

    Demented Joe is the obvious threat to democracy because he wasn't legitimately elected in the first place.

    OlgaPosts 2024-01-28T18:04:37  0

    Here is more proof Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon:
    ==> The kings of the earth did not believe, nor did any of the world's people, that enemies and foes could enter the gates of Jerusalem. But it happened because of the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests, who SHED WITHIN HER THE BLOOD OF THE RIGHTEOUS. (Lamentations. 4:12-13)

    How does that verse help prove the identity of Mystery Babylon? Note the similarity regarding the blood of the righteous:

    ==> This title was written on her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw that the woman was drunk with THE BLOOD OF THE SAINTS, THE BLOOD OF THOSE WHO BORE TESTIMONY TO JESUS. When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. (Rev. 17:5,6)

    See also Revelation 18-24, Luke 13:33; Matthew 23:35-37


    OlgaPosts 2024-01-28T03:28:45  0


    Rex Mortis 2024-01-24T19:12:11  0

    A very long list of crimes that they just committed. Tampering with Evidence, Destruction of Federal Govt. property, Interfering with an Investigation, Contempt of Congress......
    These "people" need to be arrested and prosecuted to the FULL extant of the Law then sentenced accordingly.

    If the DOJ will not do it, Have the US Marshall's arrest them first.

    Padre 2024-01-24T11:16:13  0

    Someone spying on British, how high they value themselves! nobody gives a iote, who will be next, because judging from the past it just doesn't matter! And to be honest, they are doing the great job themseves, for not allowing someone with a little brain, to be elected!

    Padre 2024-01-22T11:23:44  0

    What's the point, are they going to live there for generations,and on what? They have been watchig to much stupid "science fiction" movies, where they have electricity, comming from nowhere, food comming out of thin air, fresh watter from deep unpoluted rivers, and so on!

    BigJymn 2024-01-19T02:35:48  0

    Yes, there was the Holocaust (where MORE non-Jewish prisoners died than Jewish ones), it was a terrible crime, but there was also the genocide of all those people in the Soviet Union. 60 million of them in fact; and they all died at the hand of the JEWS !! That's TEN TIMES the number; of Jews that were (supposedly) killed during WW2. Kind of Hippocratic and pathetic on the Jews part. I bring this fact up EVERYTIME I hear the word "holocaust"; and even carry a little pamphlet about it; along with a copy of the U.S. Constitution; in my pocket anytime I'm out in public; which enables me to cause Liberals and JEWS; to shut the fu*k up when trying to accost me.

    Truthteller 2024-01-19T02:34:24  0

    That Holocaust blarney is just a trick they play on the cattle. They have been able to act with impunity because the Jews own every Western government through their "money power". The holocaust is window dressing for idiots.

    Annoying Truther 2024-01-18T22:05:18  0

    The Holocaust is nothing but bullshit. Countries shouldl really take another look at the lie. The fact so many countries have passed laws that criminalize the mere talking of it proves it's bullshit. Truth does not need laws to protect it. Only lies need laws. The following has been proven to be bullshit. Gas chambers, mass graves, Hitler wanting world dominance (it's what the jews want), Many of the crimes committed by the jewish communists were blamed on the Germans after the war. In fact I have a hard time finding even one bit of truth in the official holocaust BS story. Hitler was forced into the war by Churchill, FDR and the jews. The more I learn about the war the more I believe we fought on the side of evil and unfortunately won. Compare the German POW camps to the ones in America. In Germany they had swimming pools, could play soccer, even had a brothel and they had money for the prisoners. Eisenhower decided to starve millions of Germans because of his racism against Germany. Just look below.

    https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
    https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

    Jason Bradley 2024-01-18T18:41:51  0

    The holocaust is bullshit anyway. Why would the pragmatic Germans bother to transport, house, feed, clothe, and provide medical care for people that they simply wanted to kill while they were desperate for resources and fighting a two-front war? They were slave labor camps to support the war effort.

    They were slave labor camps just like we had with our Japanese citizens. Now doesn't make sense that the gates of Auschwitz read "Work Will Set You Free"?

    Most of the deaths were from typhus. Typhus is carried by lice. Zyklon-B is an insecticide that kills lice, not people. The Germans were trying to save the lives of their slave laborers.

    Steve Rammo 2024-01-18T03:12:41  0

    Now after 4 Years, the WEF is on again, Operation regaining Trust, These people are real fools ... we should burry them in their own $hit 4ever

    Trumpadoodledoo 2024-01-15T21:27:35  0

    The American Empire depends on Chinese Rare Earth Metals for it`s Missile Guidance Systems , Russia for it`s Trips to the International Space Station, and now Putin`s Russian Uranium. Why don`t Russia and China expose the US as Sanctimonious Bull Farters ?

    tom 2024-01-15T16:00:47  0

    It's fairly obvious that we need much more truth and honesty. That's the simple part. How do we go about getting it? That is much harder.

    Most humans will lie, or at least exaggerate and manipulate to get anything they really want. Honours, promotion, fame, enough money to make their dreams come true (or to retire).

    Many schemes - some exceedingly complex - have been tried, but it's possible that there is no way to preserve the truth in a mass of humans all trying to get an advantage for themselves.

    Mike 2024-01-14T09:05:33  3

    Ukrainians are being held hostage by a criminal gang led by Biden, Blinken and Nuland. The most interesting thing is that Zelensky is also involved. Nobody cares about the people of Ukraine.

    wackadoodle 2024-01-14T07:57:14  0

    Why was he arrested and then released without harm? all others arrested for the same crimes were not released. It does not pass the smell test does it ?
    Classic catch and release

    Laura Green 2024-01-10T16:28:46  1

    Beautifully said !

    Ken Billings 2024-01-08T07:58:26  0

    Excellent Show - Famous quote to share...Ken Billings, editor, DIGIEAK
    News Not Noise -
    In our society, growing food yourself has become the most radical of
    acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can-and
    will-overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly
    working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to
    change the world-we change ourselves!
    Jules Dervaes

    kevin duckworht 2024-01-08T04:33:23  1

    To the Registrar of the International Court of Justice, the undersigned, being duly authorised by the
    Government of the Republic of South Africa, state as follows: This is a long document, 84 pages in length but it clearly portrays the heinous cruelty of the Israeli government and its armed forces. Please read: Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict established
    pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution S-9/1 of 12 January 2009 (25 September
    2009): that can be found on page 19 and subsequent pages. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN GAZA, READ THIS DOCUMENT AND SHARE IT.

    OlgaPosts 2024-01-07T03:56:47  0

    We have entered the Great Tribulation (Distress) We are in Revelation ch 6 right now – the seals.
    The first 3 seals have been opened.
    SEAL #1: (Revelation 6:2) The rider on the white horse was given a crown (Corona) and a bow (Toxon, from which we get our word poison) and is bent on conquest.
    SEAL #2- (Rev. 6:4) fiery red horse: peace taken from earth and men slaying (slay in Greek can also mean maim or wound) each other with this poisonous “toxon” (bow) jab;

    SEAL #3 black horse (Revelation 6:6) (hyperinflation & scarcity) which will lead squeeze us into the MARK OF THE BEAST

    SEAL #4: (Rev. 6:8) pale horse: ¼ of earth to die by SWORD- CONSEQUENCE FOR NOT TAKING MARK (Rev: 20:4 about beheaded saints; 13:10), famine, plagues, etc.. Sword in Greek can be broad blade or cutlass – ie. Guillotine)

    SEAL# 5 (Rev. 6:9) Souls under the alter of martyred saints who did not take the mark & held to testimony of Jesus (cf. Rev. 13:10, 20:4);

    SEAL # 6: (Rev 6:12) RAPTURE/ First Resurrection (also at 7th Trumpet of Rev 11: 5 or the last trump of 1 Cor. 15:52) see also Mk. 13:24-27, Mt 24:29

    Evelyn Stewart 2024-01-04T17:33:48  0

    Doomscrolling differs from regular scrolling in terms of its content and psychological impact. While scrolling typically involves navigating through various types of content, including news, entertainment, or social updates, doomscrolling involves getting trapped in a cycle of consuming alarming headlines, gloomy statistics, and disheartening stories. Unlike regular scrolling, which can be casual and enjoyable, doomscrolling tends to be more compulsive and emotionally draining, leading to increased anxiety, stress, and a sense of helplessness.

    Much Miller 2024-01-04T16:07:40  0

    Great stuff. This is a spiritual battle, it's true. Great version of Masters of War. That version should be recorded and put out, really well sung by Joseph Arthur.

    Primate_Supremo 2024-01-04T12:28:28  1

    You deserve more reader comments.

    On related themes . . .

    The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.

    And first, of Washington's lost Ukrainian Proxy War to weaken Russia and pillage its resources, perhaps the greatest and most feckless imperial play, something of a progress update.

    Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.

    Gram Grams 2023-12-29T13:22:02  1

    Nothingburger. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter. GOP clownshow has NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL WRONGDOING. Andrii Derkach is a RUSSIAN INTEL AGENT. Check out the DOJ website: Active Russian Agent Andrii Derkach Indicted for Scheme to Violate Sanctions in the United States
    Tormenting a guy who is recovering from addiction to make his father suffer. You are beyond despicable!
    That fake blonde is dumb af. A real idiot. And according to her mother-in-law, she wanted to beat tf out of her elderly mother-in-law. You know how to pick real bottom feeders. Congrats.

    David Williams 2023-12-26T11:16:25  0

    This news is global i heard about this when i was working in Ocean Freight Englewood logistics

    daxtonbeckett 2023-12-26T09:59:41  0

    About the increasingly bleak economic fortunes of Israel as it struggles to maintain internal markets amid the genocidal war it is waging on the native Palestinian population trapped by the regime in Tel Aviv in the world’s largest concentration camp in Gaza for best thesis please consider Mba Marketing Thesis Topics in USA

    Tyura 2023-12-25T22:39:10  2

    Terrible stuff..!

    Truthteller 2023-12-24T15:47:47  1

    If anyone is guilty of implementing a domino theory, it is the US and NATO. Since the collapse of the USSR, the West has dominoed its way right to the Russian border.

    Tyura 2023-12-17T18:54:36  0

    Absolute dynamite..!

    Susan Dirksen 2023-12-15T21:21:21  0


    You may potentially make at least $928 every day working online. ng My choice was aided by the $29,000 story told by my closest buddy. ng However, that pretty well sums up my current circumstances, therefore I don't think it's worth it.

    Examine it...

    Susan Dirksen 2023-12-15T21:21:03  0


    You may potentially make at least $928 every day working online. nx My choice was aided by the $29,000 story told by my closest buddy. nx However, that pretty well sums up my current circumstances, therefore I don't think it's worth it.

    Examine it...

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