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South Front
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South Front

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence is a public analytical project maintained by an independent team of experts from the four corners of the Earth focusing on international relations issues and crises and working through a number of media platforms with a special emphasis on social networks. We focus on analysis and intelligence of the ongoing crises and the biggest stories from around the world: conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine, Central Asia issues, protest movements in the Balkans, migration crises, and others. In addition, we provide military operations analysis, the military posture of major world powers, and other important data influencing the growth of tensions between countries and nations. We try to dig out the truth on issues which are barely covered by governments and mainstream media.

  1. Website
  2. domain is Banned
  3. Odysee
  4. BitChute
  5. YouTube Channel Is Banned

YouTube terminated all of South Front’s channels, with approximately 170,000 subscribers. Our YouTube channels were also terminated without any warnings or notifications. The main YouTube channel in English had over 152,000 subscribers, 1,900 uploaded videos and approximately 60 million views.

Our Facebook page with about 100,000 subscribers was deleted without any warnings or an opportunity to file an appeal. Now, the situation appears to be even worse.

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