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Songs About Nightmares

Andrea Rottin's songs were born in an indie-noise-rock trio version context. In 2003 he publishes "Last Songs" under the name of Oswald.

Soon moving to a more acoustic sound, in 2007 he participates in a tribute album to Os Mutantes, historic Brazilian psychedelic band. The anthology "Jardim Elétrico - a tribute to Os Mutantes" was released with the blessing of Os Mutantes themselves and contains contributions from such artists as Yuka Honda, Sean Lennon, Jennifer Gentle, Pillars and Tongues, Wondermints (Brian Wilson's backup band), Tatter Totz, Residual Echoes, White Flag.

Since 2007 Andrea Rottin has been recording and performing as solo or, on some occasions, with backup musicians. More often collaborators have been Paolo Moretti (Littlebrown), Giorgio Tempesta (Princesa), Simone Peraz (Impulse Staat ) and Vittorio Demarin (Gomma Workshop).

In 2008 Madcap Collective released his album „Songs About Nightmares“. The recordings are realised in cooperation with the above mentioned musicians.

In January 2008 he toured Italy with Princesa (Madcap Collective, ITA), promoting their simultaneous releases, thanks to the booking agencies Go Sinister and Headphonesman booking.

In May 2008 he toured through Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Italy with Atlantic Cable. (CAN/UK/CZ) and Hammer of Hathor (USA). Then in June 2008 he is again on tour with Princesa, promoting their albums on a short Czech tour

In May 2009 he has been on tour with Atlantic Cable and SJ Esau (Anticon, UK), thanks to Fooltribe concerti e dischi.

In September 2009 he opened for My Awesome Mixtape at their shows in the Czech and Slovak republics.

During the last two years he also opened for Bob Corn, Vialka, Father Murphy, Please The Trees, Climatizado, Fiat Eno, TV Buddhas, Kusumam and Delilah.

In Autumn 2009 a song from his first release "Last Songs", is being part of the soundtrack of an Italian film by director Alessandro Aronadio, called "Aspettando Godard" ( "Waiting for Godard" ).

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