The Argentinean president branded himself as an edgy economic genius to ride a wave of financial discontent to power. Now he's implicated in one of the biggest scams in history, wiping out over $4 billion in market cap in a few hours, leaving Argentineans wondering if they've also been rugged. Argentina's President Javier Milei has been accused of fraud, and is likely to face impeachment charges, after he promoted a sham cryptocurrency token which allowed a handful of con artists […]
The post Argentina's Milei faces impeachment for promoting crypto scam first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Argentina's Milei faces impeachment for promoting crypto scam appeared first on The Grayzone.
Newly-leaked documents reveal a crew of military academics pitching the US National Security Council a series of extreme strategies for Ukraine, from IED's inspired by Iraqi insurgents to sabotaging Russia's infrastructure to propaganda "from ISIS' playbook." Conceived under the auspices of the UK's University of St. Andrews, the plans were outsourced through third parties to ensure "plausible deniability." Explosive leaked documents reviewed by The Grayzone show how a shady transatlantic collective of academics and military-intelligence operatives conceived schemes which would […]
The post Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to 'help Ukraine resist' exposed first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to 'help Ukraine resist' exposed appeared first on The Grayzone.
Con la interrupción del financiamiento federal a la USAID los medios de comunicación pro-occidentales, de Ucrania a Nicaragua, están mendigando donaciones, y un aparato multimillonario de cambio de régimen entra en modo pánico. Este artículo fue traducido por Misión Verdad. You can read the article in English here. Entre la avalancha de órdenes ejecutivas emitidas por el presidente Donald Trump en los primeros días de su administración, tal vez la más relevante hasta la fecha sea una titulada "reevaluar y realinear la ayuda estadounidense al […]
The post ¿Una orden ejecutiva paralizó por completo a la USAID? first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post ¿Una orden ejecutiva paralizó por completo a la USAID? appeared first on The Grayzone.
As Trump attacks foreign spending on "woke" initiatives, a GOP-aligned outfit has largely escaped scrutiny, despite using taxpayer funds to sponsor "transgender dance performances" and what it called the "largest published survey of LGBTI people in Bangladesh." According to documents obtained by The Grayzone, the US-funded International Republican Institute sees gay and transgender people as uniquely disruptive actors who can be deployed to manipulate political realities overseas, stating, "LGBTI people tend to participate in social change activities to eventually bring […]
The post Why did Republicans fund 'transgender dance' in Bangladesh? first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Why did Republicans fund 'transgender dance' in Bangladesh? appeared first on The Grayzone.
With federal funding paused to USAID, pro-Western media outlets from Ukraine to Nicaragua are panhandling for donations, and a multi-billion dollar regime change apparatus is in panic mode. Among the flurry of executive orders issued by President Donald Trump in the first days of his administration, perhaps the most consequential to date is one titled, "reevaluating and realigning US foreign aid." Under this order, a 90-day pause was instantly enforced on all US foreign development assistance across the globe – […]
The post Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global US regime change network? first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global US regime change network? appeared first on The Grayzone.
Mario Fehr, the Swiss security official who ordered the arrest of Ali Abunimah, is a rabidly pro-Zionist politician who falsely branded the Palestinian American journalist as "an Islamist Jew-hater." In the past, Fehr has taken pride in banning Palestine solidarity demonstrations. The Swiss official who ordered the arrest of renowned Palestinian-American journalist Ali Abunimah justified doing so on the false and defamatory basis that Abunimah is "an Islamist Jew-hater." Mario Fehr, the head of Zurich's Department of Security, made the […]
The post Swiss official who jailed journalist Ali Abunimah is fanatical pro-Israel activist first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Swiss official who jailed journalist Ali Abunimah is fanatical pro-Israel activist appeared first on The Grayzone.
Julia Sebutinde is a dedicated Christian Zionist who stood alone in rejecting South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Now the court's president, the Ugandan judge appears to have plagiarized sections of her dissenting opinion justifying Israel's occupation of Palestinian Territories. With new countries joining South Africa's case accusing Israel of committing genocide in the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire potentially enabling war crimes investigators to gather fresh evidence of Israeli atrocities, a leadership shakeup […]
The post New ICJ president plagiarized in the name of Christian Zionism first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post New ICJ president plagiarized in the name of Christian Zionism appeared first on The Grayzone.
One of the two U.S.-based contractors set to operate a Gaza checkpoint, Safe Reach Solutions, is a shell company of the Wyoming-based generational wealth management firm Two Ocean Trust, LLC. This article was originally published by Jack Poulson at All Source Intelligence. On Jan. 23, Axios named the U.S.-based company Safe Reach Solutions as one of three private security contractors tasked with overseeing an armed checkpoint which will inspect Palestinians as they return to their homes in northern Gaza. The […]
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The post Gaza checkpoint contractor is shell company of 'generational wealth management' firm appeared first on The Grayzone.
El gobierno de EE.UU. estaba al tanto de una campaña para destituir a un alto banquero de desarrollo con el fin de detener los préstamos contra la pobreza a Nicaragua, donde Washington buscaba un cambio de régimen. En entrevista exclusiva con The Grayzone, Dante Mossi, quien dirigió el Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica de 2018 a 2023, denunció un complot de «Costa Rica y Guatemala, con conocimiento de EEUU… para destituirme.» Después de que Nicaragua reprimiera en 2018 un violento […]
The post Expresidente del BCIE: EE.UU. sabía del complot para destituirme por préstamos a Nicaragua first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Expresidente del BCIE: EE.UU. sabía del complot para destituirme por préstamos a Nicaragua appeared first on The Grayzone.
The US government was aware of a campaign to remove a top development banker from power to stop anti-poverty loans to Nicaragua, where Washington sought regime change. In an exclusive interview with The Grayzone, Dante Mossi, who headed the Central American Bank for Economic Integration from 2018 to 2023, denounced a plot by "Costa Rica and Guatemala, with the knowledge of the US… to oust me." After Nicaragua suppressed a violent US-backed 2018 coup d'etat which saw hundreds of deaths, […]
The post Development banker says US knew of plot to oust him over Nicaragua loans first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Development banker says US knew of plot to oust him over Nicaragua loans appeared first on The Grayzone.