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The Big Reset

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The Big Reset

 mp4 | Odysee

directed: Cristina Martin Jimenez ? 2021 2h 17m

With the COVID-19 crisis, in just one year, policies have been carried out that would seem unthinkable under normal conditions. And all this has been achieved through an instrument as effective as it is ancient, fear.

There are two laboratories in this story: one, the one in Wuhan, another the great sociological laboratory where the social engineering of the pandemic would have been designed and programmed.

However, COVID-19 contains the awakening virus. For this reason we want to give a voice to those people who are being systematically silenced for having a different point of view from the "official truths" that they are trying to impose on us.

We will have the testimonies of geneticists, molecular biologists, epidemiologists, biochemists, lawyers, prestigious journalists and Nobel laureates, who are contributing very different versions of the pandemic to which the media have accustomed us.

These media have not been independent for a long time, but are controlled by large groups aligned with power. We will analyze who finances them and the reasons why we are trying to impose not only a single thought, but also a mandatory one.

From the hand of economists and experts in geopolitics we will show what is behind the Great Reset, the proposal of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy after COVID-19, in which the current pandemic is presented as an "accelerating agent".

We will show who controls the Fast-Checks or "data verifiers", those who set themselves up in the position of judges to assess what is true and what is a lie of what is published on the internet and that leads us towards an ideological totalitarianism in the evil era of information.

The world's transition to the sixth technological paradigm.

The current world war in the form of a "pandemic" is not so relevant, there is a real problem of problems: The transition of the world to the sixth technological paradigm, in which the coronavirus is only a catalyst, the so-called transhumanism. The union of man and machine through technological procedures such as robotics and artificial intelligence.

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