Adult Human Female
!!! Wymagana odpowiedź weryfikacyjna!
directed: Deirdre O'Neil and Michael Wayne UK 2023 1h32m
This is the first UK documentary feature to look at the clash between women’s rights and trans ideology.
In record time, the trans movement has captured the big institutions.
The police, the political parties, the media, the universities and major corporations have taken up the cause in the name of inclusiveness.
But is it really harmless when men identify into the female sex?
Is it progressive for doctors to modify the bodies of young people in the name of changing their "gender"?
There has been a manufactured confusion around sex and gender. At the same time we are told that "there is no debate". Dissenters are cast as "haters" and cancelled.
This is not only a struggle to defend women’s rights. At risk is safeguarding for children and young people, biological reality, reason and even democracy.
Reality denial comes at a price.
Ten materiał jest rozpowszechniany bez zysku w celach badawczych i edukacyjnych.
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