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changing our world into a more positive

TERRAKOTA Ambassadors of Portuguese multiculturality If you think Lisbon is just fado, well, think again, because here comes Terrakota, the leader of the worldfusion scene that is coming along with the rising cultural diversity influenced by immigration from the ancient Portuguese colonies Angola, Cape Verde, Brazil, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique. No one better represents that cultural diversity than Terrakota. The band was born in 1999 and made a splash on the Portuguese musical scene thanks to their amazing live power and energy. Their music based on Senegalese percussion, reggae and African rhythms with a touch of samba, soukouss, salsa, dub, rap and flamenco results in a musical celebration without borders. Guitar, bass and drums meet traditional instruments like n'goni, sabar (Senegalese percussion), sitar, balafon, mbira and oud with abundant spectacular dancing by the beautiful Angolan singer Romi.

Terrakota has been developing an international career sincs the early beginnings, but it was their completely self-produced third album “OBA TRAIN” (2007) that gained general credit all over Europe. The album was unanimously considered their best one because the sound and energy got so close to their live power and the positive feeling they irradiate during concerts. It took them on a powerful 'Oba Train tour' trough Europe's biggest summer festivals, becoming one of the continent's leading worldfusion bands. The video clip of the single '… Verdade?' (Is it real?) won the MTV Music Video Awards in Portugal. A great accomplishment for a militant song about media manipulation. 2010 is smiling, awaiting the birth of the band's fourth album. Until then, Terrakota's musicians wish to stretch their arms towards other countries, taking their music to even wider audiences and spreading their message of changing our world into a more positive, equal and balanced planet, where an optimistic and vibrant humanity can exist in harmony, TOGETHER.

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