Remember Valentine's Day? It's Feb. 14.
After destroying Christmas, Masonic Jews moved on to destroy the annual celebration of heterosexuality, Valentine's Day.
The Vagina Monologues (1996) has been performed on Valentine's Day thousands of times in 77 countries to draw attention to "violence against women" . How perfectly romantic.
The "play" itself is porn designed to induct sex-starved women into lesbianism.
Women use hand-mirrors to inspect their genitals. Lesbian paedophilia is condoned.
Mankind has been inducted into the Illuminati (Cabalist) sex cult which is behind Judaism, Communism, Zionism, Liberalism, Socialism & Feminism. "Progressive" means progress to death.
Satanism inverts all values: unnatural becomes natural. In the big picture, gender dysphoria is decreases population and destroys marriage & family.
Satanism is a sexual and material race-to-the-bottom. Feminism teaches women to reject family and serve the system instead.
First, Jews and Freemasons were initiated, and through them, humanity as a whole.
We are under relentless occult attack by Organized Judaism and Freemasonry. (Satanism)
(Disclaimer- Not all Jews are Communists, and unless they stand up soon, they may end up taking the blame for those who are.)
"Vagina Monologues" - Satanist Jews Defile Femininity
(Updated from Oct. 24, 2001)
By Henry Makow PhD
"The Vagina Monologues" presents a sad picture of life at the dead-end of feminism. It is an anguished cry for male love by a generation of women deceived by feminism, who now have no choice but to become lesbians.
For women who are literally starved for love, the play provides a steamy experience of sexual intimacy and initiates them into lesbianism.
Based on "interviews" with women, the play purports to rescue the female genitals from "cultural neglect." For example, the play describes a workshop in which women examine their pussies with hand-mirrors.
(left, Communist raised right fist salute during performance at Dartmouth College.)
"It reminded me of how early astronomers must have felt with their primitive telescopes," says author, Eve Ensler, a Jew. They give their vagina nicknames, dress it up in imaginary outfits, and imagine what it would say if it could talk (e.g. "Where's Brian?").
At one performance at the Madison Square Gardens, 18,000 women were whipped into a frenzy of shouting "cunt" over and over.
They should have shouted "penis" because this play is about the loss of male love. Having squandered their femininity and youth, emasculated or rejected men, millions of women are now left sexually high and dry. These lonely bitter women form a potent political force for the Cabalist bankers.
Both sexes need validation. Men these days don't like feminists and feminists know it. Every time we turn on TV, a man is beat-up or shown-up by a woman. Men resent that women have usurped the male role and deserted the feminine one.
This is what Ensler is actually experiencing when she says: "Our self-hatred is only the internalized repression and hatred of the patriarchal culture."
Women are justified in feeling unloved and unfulfilled.
Ensler says that women want to be used for babies: "My vagina helped release a giant baby. It thought it would be used more than that. It's not."
The result is a profound sense of emptiness and need. "My vagina wants to go deeper. It's hungry for depth. It's hungry for kisses, kindness. It wants to stop being angry. It wants everything. It wants to want. It wants."
It appears that only a man's penis can staunch this gaping wound. Ensler describes a boyfriend, Bob, who loved to gaze at her genitals for hours and made her feel good about herself for the first time.
She doesn't say what happened to Bob. The only other men in the play are Ensler's first husband, a philanderer, and some rapists in Bosnia.
"The Vagina Monologues" devolves into a steamy chronicle of lesbian sex. In the first place, a fixation on female genitals by women is pure homosexuality. Forgive me for what follows but I'm trying to convey the pornographic character of this so-called play.
The author interviews a former tax lawyer who has become wealthy as a lesbian gigolo. "There are so many unfulfilled women," she says. "Women pay me to dress up like a man and dominate them."
She follows with a precise description of her art ("there are four fingers inside me, two are hers and two are mine") that turns Ensler on: "Come on," I said. "Come in."
A 12-year-old girl describes how her mother entrusted her to the care of a beautiful, worldly 24-year-old woman who then betrayed this trust by having sex with her: "She transformed my sorry-assed coochie-snorcher into a kind of heaven."
Ensler regresses with children stories of the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" variety.
She asks a six-year-old girl to say what her vagina smells like (snowflakes.) She informs us that the clitoris has twice the number of nerve fibres as the penis: "Who needs a handgun when you've got a semiautomatic?"
She describes finding her clitoris for the first time: "It was all warm and pulsing and ready and young and alive." I could go on but you get the idea.
Feminists apparently think that, when lesbians do it, an adult having sex with a 12-year-old child is OK. They also think that they can violate the natural innocence of a six-year-old girl with invasive questions.
A measure of our cultural timidity, depravity and self-delusion is that no major media critic has named this play for what it is.
"Ensler is an impassioned wit," says The Los Angeles Times. "A compelling rhapsody of the female essence," says The Chicago Tribune. "Spellbinding, funny and almost unbearably moving," says Variety.
The play has been performed in hundreds of American cities and universities, and in countries from Rumania to Zaire. Celebrity guest performers include Meryl Streep, Jane Fonda, Calista Frockhart, and Angelica Huston.
It was performed in Sarajevo by Marisa Tomei and Glenn Close who said Ensler is "giving women their souls back." Gillian Anderson (of the X-Files) says: "Eve Ensler is the Pied Piper. She is leading woman and the world to a different consciousness of women."
Ensler tries to position this pitiable lesbian primer in the mainstream. Her fellow Illuminati Jew, Gloria Steinem writes "men as well as women will emerge from these pages feeling more free within themselves and about each other." What nonsense! They will emerge feeling dirty.
It is typical of feminists to portray lesbianism as emancipation. Ensler (left) has "come out" as yet another survivor of sexual abuse by her father. She has tied the play to the politicized cause of violence against women.
Her hatred of heterosexuality is evident by her choice of Valentine's Day, as "V-Day" or anti-violence day, when her play will be performed. She told Molly Ivens in TIME that the patriarchal (i.e. nuclear) family is "a deadly institution."
The irony of "The Vagina Monologues" is that feminists who regularly complain about sexual objectification embrace the play. There is no mention of love.
This tendency to view sex as recreation and physical release, rather than a celebration of a loving bond between a man and woman, reflects a self-destructive trend in society. Normally heterosexuals find sexual fulfillment in marriage and are able to turn their energies to more important things. Instead, we suffer from a collective arrested development manifested as a leering adolescent addiction to sex.
The "play" outrages and destroys the mystery, modesty and reserve that is the essence of mature femininity.
Like feminism itself, "The Vagina Monologues" masquerades as an affirmation of women. In fact, it is a sickening brutal assault on women.
Related- Feminism: The Jewish Gift to American Women
-------------- Here Come the Lesbian Rangers!
First Comment from Dan Butler (1955-2018):
Henry, you're at your very best when explaining how the gender con works. When I was a juvenile over forty five years ago, the vast majority of high school girls had never even attempted masturbation, and most never heard of such a thing. I've been told by older men that boys didn't either before the Baby Boomer generation.
Such things just didn't come up in public education, or entertainment. Old school mothers would keep an eye on children for signs of unhealthy fascinations. Invariably, a child that discovered they could stimulate weird feelings by touching 'down there' were caught by their mom. The cure was shaming, and a talk on the birds and the bees, Adam and Eve, and the purpose of marriage. The priority of love over lust was explained. Finally, suggestions were given on self discipline techniques in case of temptation. This worked for at least 96% of the population.
The key to splitting sexuality from love is teaching girls about masturbation and making it glamorous at the earliest age possible. There was no scientific 'breakthrough', no medical research study required to discover that. It was always known to pedophiles. One of the foundational tenets of Feminism has been the replacement of procreation as the purpose of feminine sexuality with the female orgasm.
Marketing masturbation to 'preemies' has been in full swing on Television for several decades. At first it was very subtle. But now - just watch MTV. Or THE VIEW (which sports a big 'V' for it's logo, get it?). Ellen Degenerate is always cracking explicit lesbian references.
( Ellen gives Twerking lesson on the Ellen Show )
Hollywood exhibitionist porn "star" slash Feminist Annie Sprinkle did a running a 'Feminist workshop' that probably inspired 'sister' Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues. Sprinkle titled her one-woman sex show "Public Cervix Announcement". The 'message' consisted of Sprinkle sitting spread eagle in a cabriole chair with her vagina splayed open with a speculum. The audience was encouraged to examine her cervix close up with a provided flashlight and magnifying glass. (barf bag not provided).