Tunguska Electronic Music Society
The community named "Tunguska Electronic Music Society" was created by several musicians and composers on the threshold of centenary of the Tunguska phenomenal catastrophe, in order to capture the public attention to such an extraordinary event. The musical component in the work of community is the melodious instrumental and electronic music. The creative lab of the community is based on the forum and acts since the 11 April 2007. In the course of year the selection from more than 100 authors' exclusive tracks was made and the first disk of the "Tunguska Chillout Grooves" saw the light.
The Community's Manifesto
The community named "Tunguska Electronic Music Society" is a free creative group of free persons who compose free music for free people. The creative lab of the community is based on Mutual Respect, Love and Understanding. Every wishing person who shares the community's principles, ideas and aims can become a part of "Tunguska Electronic Music Society". The target of the community is the creation of the alternative musical, video and cinema cultural layer, where the main motivator of the creation is the creation itself.