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hip hop riot

KŘIKZTICHA is hip hop band with social/political lyrics. We are following Do It Yourself spirit, raised from hardcore/punk dust and we support anarchist, antifascist, antiauthoritarian, antisexist and animal rights activities.

We are not tough masters, we have no money for crappy expensive cool clothes and instead of golden chains we are tied by shackles of this system. We would like to spread something out, if you carry on such a thing from this, you don't really win the battle, but it may enrich you. maybe.

First album of 14 tracks recorded during winter-summer 2011 by ourself, mastered by Afarastafa. Including booklet with english translations and linocuts from Simča. You can hear this MC's on this album: Smrad, Kolona, Tma, Dar, Phoenicz, Afarastafa, Edosh and beats were provided by: Phoenicz, Edosh, Srandabeats-Fogosh, Tehanu, Tofu Thrasher, Budhi, the rest were downloaded from free source.

Uzel (Knot in English) is, was and not gonna be anymore meeting of three garage rappers KOLONA, SMRD, NERV from Jihlava/Czech on one-hour record of thoughts and atmosphere, which was musically supported by Phoenicz, Edosh, KFDH, Rybavřesu and DJ JD by their beats. Former group was splitted and Křikzticha (KZT) is now just studio project.

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