
Strategic Culture Foundation

Strategic Culture Foundation
23 Apr 2024 | 8:40 pm

1. La gestión del dilema

El dilema para «Israel» es que, si Estados Unidos dice «no» a un ataque contra Irán (y lo dice en serio), «Israel» tiene que revolcarse en un cúmulo de derrotas en los seis frentes, además de perder la confianza de la opinión pública.

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En medio de un remolino de imágenes desenganchadas de la realidad, que se tambalean por las pantallas occidentales, es necesario asir con firmeza algunos asideros de «lo real».

En primer lugar, sean cuales sean las afirmaciones de triunfo de la defensa aérea montadas por los israelíes y sus amigos (es decir, el «derribo del 99%»), Israel y EEUU saben la verdad: los misiles iraníes pudieron penetrar directamente en las dos bases y emplazamientos aéreos más sensibles y mejor defendidos de Israel. Detrás de la retórica altisonante se esconde la conmoción israelí.

La propaganda exagerada se deriva del doble golpe izquierda-derecha que ha sufrido Occidente. Es de dominio público que los sistemas occidentales de defensa aérea en Ucrania han sido un fracaso. Si se admitiera que las capacidades de misiles de Irán pueden violar la mayor concentración de defensas aéreas que se encuentran en la base aérea de Nevatim, en el sur, las implicaciones para la postura defensiva occidental en todo el mundo son nefastas.

Shhh! … Enciende la cortina de humo del «Espléndido Triunfo«.

En segundo lugar, saben que el llamado «asalto» no fue tal, sino un mensaje para afirmar la nueva ecuación estratégica: Cualquier ataque israelí contra Irán o su personal dará lugar a represalias de Irán contra «Israel». Esto marca una transformación de la estrategia de los Frentes de Resistencia: Hasta ahora, consistía en movimientos que actuaban de forma concertada, y los Estados permanecían estrictamente en un segundo plano.

Ahora que la unidad de los actores no estatales sigue activada, ahora se complementan con Irán e «Israel» enfrentándose directamente.  Es una nueva fase. Y se ha abierto un Sexto Frente contra «Israel».

El tercer elemento es que Netanyahu lleva dos décadas intentando atraer a EEUU a una guerra con «Israel» contra Irán (aunque los sucesivos presidentes estadounidenses han rechazado la peligrosa perspectiva).

La cuarta realidad es que el programa nuclear iraní es intocable, está escondido en lo más profundo del interior de las montañas.  El ex primer ministro israelí Ehud Barak escribió explícitamente en julio de 2022 en la revista Time: Irán es un Estado nuclear umbral, y no hay nada que «Israel» pueda hacer al respecto.

 Acostúmbrate a ello, aconsejó Barak:

Es hora de enfrentarse a la realidad.

Entonces, ¿no tiene sentido estratégico ninguna respuesta militar israelí en Irán? ¿Sólo una demostración de fuerza? Pues no exactamente.  Para Netanyahu, se trata de un «equilibrio de poder». Recordará la influencia y el poder de Irán durante la época del Sha: Irán se ha ido convirtiendo silenciosamente de nuevo en la gran potencia regional.

A los israelíes les gustaría reducir ese poder a su mínima expresión.

Aquí radica la cuestión de gestionar los dilemasLos israelíes creen ampliamente que sin disuasión -sin que el mundo les tema- no pueden sobrevivir. El 7 de octubre hizo arder este miedo existencial en la sociedad israelí. La presencia de Hezbollah no hace sino exacerbarlo, y ahora Irán ha lanzado una lluvia de misiles directamente sobre «Israel».

La apertura del frente iraní, en cierto modo inicialmente, puede haber beneficiado a Netanyahu: la derrota de las fuerzas israelíes en la guerra de Gazael punto muerto de la liberación de los rehenesel continuo desplazamiento de los colonos del norte; e incluso el asesinato de los cooperantes de World Kitchen… todo quedó temporalmente olvidado. Occidente volvió a agruparse al lado de Israel. Los Estados árabes volvieron a cooperar. Toda la atención se trasladó de Gaza a Irán.

Hasta aquí, todo bien (desde la perspectiva de Netanyahu, sin duda). Pero para reducir a Irán a su tamaño se necesitaría ayuda militar estadounidense. El lanzamiento del misil iraní lo puso de manifiesto. Los informes sugieren que EEUU hizo el trabajo pesado. Si «Israel» actuara en solitario en un ataque de represalia contra Irán, ¿le daría eso -en sí mismo- a «Israel» el dominio de la escalada en la región (y restablecería la disuasión)? ¿O provocaría una guerra regional más amplia que podría acabar con la desaparición de «Israel» como Estado tal y como lo conocemos?

¿Y aceptaría Biden una empresa tan arriesgada (durante un ciclo electoral estadounidense)? Aquí también radica el dilema: Biden se mantiene firme en su apoyo a «Israel»: «Apoyo férreo», afirma. Pero el oxímoron surge cuando yuxtapone el apoyo férreo a la ausencia de una guerra regional más amplia. 

El dilema para «Israel» es que, si Estados Unidos dice «no» a un ataque contra Irán (y lo dice en serio), «Israel» tiene que revolcarse en un cúmulo de derrotas en los seis frentes, además de perder la confianza de la opinión pública.

Pero ¿hablaría Biden en serio (al decir «no a la guerra»)?  Hmmm… ¿Sería políticamente viable para la Casa Blanca cortar el suministro de armas o dinero en efectivo tras el lanzamiento del misil iraní?

Biden tendría otro problema: EEUU se ha comprometido SÓLO a un apoyo «defensivo». Sin embargo, Irán dispone de sofisticados sistemas de defensa antiaérea (aunque su eficacia aún no está probada). Si los israelíes se metieran en problemas en Irán, que Biden pasara del apoyo defensivo al «ofensivo» a «Israel» le acarrearía otros problemas en casa, en EEUU.

Por último, si la apuesta de Netanyahu consiguiera asestar un golpe sustancial a Irán, Netanyahu -con la diadema de laurel del vencedor- estaría en condiciones (en términos de apoyo interno israelí) de matar de hambre y desplazar a los gazatíes de su tierra.

Un resultado así podría fracturar definitivamente al Partido Demócrata.

Por supuesto, un golpe decisivo contra Irán sigue siendo muy hipotético por ahora. Pero se sabe que los jugadores, tras una larga racha de pérdidas, apuestan todo a que la bola sale roja.

Publicado originalmente por Al Mayadeen English
Traducción: Observatorio de trabajadores en lucha

Strategic Culture Foundation
23 Apr 2024 | 8:08 pm

2. Um “inimigo comum” coletivo agora persegue a espécie humana

– Assassinos em série psicopatas, utilizando os seus vastos recursos financeiros, políticos e mediáticos, estão inexoravelmente a pôr em prática uma agenda homicida de despovoamento global.

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Yuval Harari, o porta-voz de Klaus Schwab, fez recentemente uma declaração que deveria causar arrepios na espinha de toda a gente. "Se o pior acontecer e o dilúvio chegar", disse Harari, ele e a cabala de mestres mundiais obscuros com ideias semelhantes "construirão uma Arca e deixarão o resto afogar-se".

Noutra parte, Harari explica as razões da indiferença fria dos seus colegas elitistas em relação ao destino da grande maioria dos habitantes da Terra:

"Se voltarmos a meados do século XX… e pensarmos em construir o futuro, então os nossos materiais de construção são aqueles milhões de pessoas que estão a trabalhar arduamente nas fábricas, nas explorações agrícolas, os soldados. Precisamos deles. Não há futuro sem eles".

O que ele quer dizer é que vocês – referindo-se às elites sociais e financeiras dominantes dessa época – ainda "precisavam" do trabalho de milhões de pessoas nos vários campos da atividade económica para obterem lucro. Desde então, como é que as coisas mudaram, segundo o "futurologista" Harari?

"Agora, avançamos para o início do século XXI, quando já não precisamos da grande maioria da população, porque o futuro é o desenvolvimento de tecnologia cada vez mais sofisticada, como a inteligência artificial [e] a bioengenharia, a maioria das pessoas não contribui para isso, exceto talvez pelos seus dados, e as pessoas que ainda estão a fazer algo de útil, estas tecnologias vão torná-las cada vez mais redundantes e permitirão que sejam substituída".

O porta-voz elitista Harari merece crédito pela sua honestidade de gelar o sangue, se não pela moralidade das suas "visões" e das dos seus mestres. Ele mostra claramente a sua opinião de que este escritor, os editores deste portal, os seus leitores e o resto da humanidade são dispensáveis e, para além de qualquer utilidade económica que ainda possam possuir, são desprovidos de qualquer dignidade ou valor inerente.

Harari e o seu superior direto na nomenklatura elitista, Klaus Schwab, são tecnicamente indivíduos privados. O seu veículo organizativo, o Fórum Económico Mundial, é uma ONG privada registada na Suíça. Formalmente, não representam nem falam em nome de qualquer governo ou estrutura oficial com a devida legitimidade. Não têm qualquer licença para planear ou organizar o futuro da humanidade, para além da auto-autorização para o fazer que eles próprios e os centros de poder oligárquicos globalistas com quem comungam e se misturam se arrogaram. Ninguém os elegeu nem lhes deu poderes para planear o futuro de ninguém, a não ser o seu próprio futuro, e mesmo assim estritamente a título privado.

No entanto, dispor do futuro da humanidade é precisamente o que eles presumem fazer, em Davos, em sessão plenária, uma vez por ano, e o resto do tempo em confabulações conspiratórias entre si.

A natureza do "planeamento" em que se envolvem deveria interessar profundamente e preocupar seriamente toda a gente. Não só pela arrogância desenfreada que revela, mas sobretudo pelo desígnio homicida que lhe está subjacente, a uma escala vasta e até agora inimaginável, que Raphael Lemkin era incapaz de conceber quando cunhou o termo "genocídio".

Quando e se o "tsunami" destinado a afogar a humanidade ocorrer, e podemos estar confiantes de que Harari e os seus correligionários têm a capacidade de o fazer acontecer no momento e da forma que escolherem, como o evento de saúde recentemente fabricado demonstrou, eles não ficarão de luto pelas vítimas. Pelo contrário, ficarão encantados com o êxito da sua obra. Enquanto a maior parte da humanidade se "afoga", eles regozijar-se-ão.

É indiscutível que Harari não fala apenas em seu próprio nome ou em nome de Schwab. Ele está a articular publicamente a visão ideológica de uma Terra despovoada, limpa da presença humana e tingida de misantropia ocultista. Essa visão é amplamente partilhada pelos luminares do seu grupo elitista. Um membro de alto nível desse conjunto, Bill Gates, tem insistido na necessidade de se livrar das multidões inúteis por todos os meios, justos ou sujos. Uma das elocuções alarmantemente explícitas de Gates sobre este assunto foi removida pelo YouTube, alegadamente por "violar as directrizes da comunidade". A verdadeira razão para a eliminação das suas observações da Internet foi o perigo de que pudessem lançar o alarme entre as "vítimas da inundação" visadas, provocando-lhes uma reação de raiva incontrolável quando descobrissem o que os "visionários" elitistas lhes tinham reservado.

Estes psicopatas assassinos em série (não devemos medir palavras), usando os seus vastos recursos financeiros, políticos e mediáticos (lavagem cerebral), estão inexoravelmente a pôr em prática uma agenda homicida de despovoamento global. O despovoamento, como Harari admitiu honestamente, significa eliminar fisicamente tantos seres humanos quantos eles considerem supérfluos ou inúteis para os seus objectivos. O conceito de controlo da população, mais uma vez para não usar palavras falsas, é o seu código para o genocídio global.

O Clube de Roma, um dos componentes institucionais da rede de despovoamento, num documento programático publicado em 1974, não poderia ter colocado o princípio principal da sua filosofia genocida de forma mais clara:  "A Terra tem cancro e o cancro é o Homem". Será necessário esclarecer que os cancros não são alimentados e cultivados? Os cancros devem ser extirpados.

F. William Engdahl lançou recentemente uma luz intensa sobre as raízes profundas deste plano nefasto, discutido e implementado abertamente pelos seus promotores malévolos, à vista das vítimas pretendidas. Engdahl mostrou que pervertidos como Schwab e Harari são apenas rostos públicos de um esquema transgeracional malévolo.

Engdahl cita um relatório publicado pelo Clube de Roma, "A Primeira Revolução Global". Aí se admite que as alegações de aquecimento global por CO2, que servem de justificação conveniente para impor à força à humanidade uma série interminável de mudanças estruturais destrutivas, não passam de um ardil inventado.

Isto porque "…o inimigo comum da humanidade é o homem. Na procura de um novo inimigo que nos unisse, surgiu-nos a ideia de que a poluição, a ameaça do aquecimento global, a escassez de água, a fome e outras coisas do género serviriam para isso. Todos estes perigos são causados pela intervenção humana e só através da mudança de atitudes e comportamentos é que podem ser ultrapassados. O verdadeiro inimigo é, portanto, a própria humanidade".

"A agenda", conclui Engdahl sombriamente, "é sombria, distópica e destina-se a eliminar milhares de milhões de nós, 'humanos comuns'".

Há que fazer um esclarecimento importante. A humanidade não é o inimigo, mas é, pelo contrário, a coroa da criação de Deus. E é a própria humanidade que está agora a enfrentar um inimigo implacável, neste caso uma encarnação colectiva da caraterística definidora que Edward Gibbon atribuiu aos imperadores depravados Commodus e Caracalla:   "inimigo comum da espécie humana".

Desta vez, porém, a humanidade já não está a enfrentar as excentricidades perversas de um indivíduo desviante. Hoje, tem de enfrentar a personificação colectiva de Commodus e Caracalla, sob a forma de uma oligarquia global depravada, imbuída de perigosos delírios de omnipotência e impunidade.

Por que razão optámos por nos debruçar sobre este tema sombrio? Em primeiro lugar, porque as pretendidas vítimas de genocídio em todo o mundo têm o direito de ser informadas e, naturalmente, têm também o direito à auto-defesa, a fim de preservar a sua própria vida e a das suas famílias, bem como de assegurar a integridade das suas sociedades, culturas, memória histórica e modo de vida.

Mas há também uma outra razão importante, para expor o cinismo e a total amoralidade dos fanáticos genocidas que continuam a dirigir o destino de uma parte considerável da humanidade e a exercer continuamente as suas energias para recuperar o controlo total sobre os restantes.

Agindo por intermédio dos seus mandatários, a Alemanha e o Ruanda, a que se juntaram recentemente a França e alguns outros governos fantoches, tiveram a ousadia de apresentar na Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas uma resolução para condenar e recordar o falsificado "genocídio" de Srebrenica, censurando por genocídio uma nação que, ao longo do século XX, foi ela própria alvo de uma efectiva extinção.

É esse mesmo crime que eles próprios conspiram descaradamente para cometer, não num qualquer remoto município dos Balcãs, mas contra toda a humanidade.

Publicado originalmente por

Strategic Culture Foundation
23 Apr 2024 | 8:02 pm

3. UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because blasts were ‘government’ backed

The legal team representing high-powered insurers Lloyd's and Arch says that since the Nord Stream explosions were "more likely than not to have been inflicted by… a government," they have no responsibility to pay for damages to the pipelines. To succeed with that defense, the companies will presumably be compelled to prove, in court, who carried out those attacks. 

By Wyatt REED

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British insurers are arguing that they have no obligation to honor their coverage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which were blown up in September 2022, because the unprecedented act of industrial sabotage was likely carried out by a national government.

The insurers' filing contradicts reports the Washington Post and other legacy media publications asserting that a private Ukrainian team was responsible for the massive act of industrial sabotage.

legal brief filed on behalf of UK-based firms Lloyd's Insurance Company and Arch Insurance states that the "defendants will rely on, inter alia, the fact that the explosion Damage could only have (or, at least, was more likely than not to have) been inflicted by or under the order of a government."

As a result, they argue, "the Explosion Damage was "directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through, or in consequence of" the conflict between Russia and Ukraine" and falls under an exclusion relating to military conflicts.

BREAKING: The "defense" of Nord Stream AG's insurance companies has been filed.

LLoyds and Arch argue that the damage was inflicted by, or under order of, a GOVERNMENT , and therefore they don't need pay. –>

— Erik Andersson 🐘 (@Erkperk) April 16, 2024

The brief comes a month after Switzerland-based Nord Stream AG filed a lawsuit against the insurers for their refusal to compensate the company. Nord Stream, which estimated the cost incurred by the attack at between €1.2 billion and €1.35 billion, is seeking to recoup over €400 million in damages.

Swedish engineer Erik Andersson, who led the first private investigative expedition to the blast sites of the Nord Stream pipelines, describes the insurers' legal strategy as a desperate attempt to find an excuse to avoid honoring their indemnity obligations.

"If it's an act of war and ordered by a government, that's the only way they can escape their responsibility to pay," Andersson told The Grayzone.

Following a report by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh which alleged that the US government was responsible for the Nord Stream explosion, Western governments quickly spun out a narrative placing blame on a team of rogue Ukrainian operatives. Given the lack of conclusive evidence, however, proving that the explosions were "inflicted by or under the order of a government" would be a major challenge for defense lawyers.

Even if the plaintiffs in the case are able to wrest back the funds in court, they are likely to face other serious hurdles. Later in the brief, lawyers for Lloyd's and Arch suggest that even if they were required to pay up, anti-Russian sanctions would leave their hands tied.

"In the event that the Defendants are found to be liable to pay an indemnity and/or damages to the Claimant," the brief states, "the Defendants reserve their position as to whether any such payment would be prohibited by any applicable economic sanctions that may be in force at the time any such payment is required to be made."

After they were threatened with sanctions by the US government, in 2021 Lloyd's and Arch both withdrew from their agreement to cover damages to the second of the pipelines, Nord Stream 2. But though they remain on the hook for damages to the first line, the language used by the insurers' lawyers seems to be alluding to a possible future sanctions package that would release them from their financial obligations. "Nord Stream 1 was not affected by those sanctions, but apparently sanctions might work retroactively to the benefit of insurers," observes Andersson.

The plaintiffs may face an uphill battle at the British High Court in London, the city where Lloyd's has been headquartered since its creation in 1689. As former State Department cybersecurity official Mike Benz observed, "Lloyd's of London is the prize of the London banking establishment," and "London is the driving force behind the transatlantic side of the Blob's "Seize Eurasia" designs on Russia."

Incredible. Lloyd's of London is the prize of the London banking establishment. London is the driving force behind the transatlantic side of the Blob's "Seize Eurasia" designs on Russia. If anyone were in position to know the role of "a government" in Nordstream bombing…

— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) April 16, 2024

But if their arguments are enough to convince a court in London, a decision in favor of the insurers would likely be a double-edged sword. Following Lloyd's submission to US sanctions and its refusal to insure ships carrying Iranian oil, Western insurance underwriters (like their colleagues in the banking sector) are increasingly in danger of losing their global reputation for relative independence from the state. Should the West ultimately lose its grip on the global insurance market — or its reputation as a safe haven for foreign assets — €400 million will be unlikely to buy it back.

Original article: The Grayzone

Strategic Culture Foundation
23 Apr 2024 | 7:55 pm

4. IDF kills 18 kids hours after House votes billions to Israel

The latest strikes on the southern Gaza city bring laws governing U.S. transfers of weaponry into the spotlight, reports Jake Johnson.


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Hours after the U.S. House approved legislation that would send billions of dollars in additional military aid to Israel, the country's forces killed nearly two dozen people in Rafah, the southern Gaza city where more than half of the enclave's population is sheltering.

Gaza health officials said Sunday that the weekend strikes on Rafah — a former "safe zone" that Israel has been threatening to invade for weeks — killed 22 people, including 18 children. The Associated Press (AP) reported that the first of the Israeli strikes "killed a man, his wife, and their 3-year-old child, according to the nearby Kuwaiti Hospital, which received the bodies."

AP added:

"The woman was pregnant and the doctors saved the baby, the hospital said. The second strike killed 17 children and two women from an extended family."

Israeli forces have killed more than 14,000 children in Gaza since October, but the Biden administration and American lawmakers have refused to back growing international calls to cut off the supply of weaponry and other military equipment even as U.S. voters express support for an arms embargo.

The measure the House approved on Saturday includes $26 billion in funding for Israel, much of which is military assistance. U.S. Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-IL), one of the 58 House lawmakers who voted against the legislation, wrote on social media late Sunday:

"Just a day after the House voted to send $14 billion in unconditional military funding to [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's campaign of death and destruction, he bombed the safe zone of Rafah AGAIN, killing 22 Palestinians, of which 18 were CHILDREN! History books will write about today and the past seven months, and how our nation's leaders lacked the courage and moral clarity to stand up to a tyrant. Shameful."

— Delia Ramirez (@DeliaRamirezIL) April 20, 2024

The military aid package for Israel now heads to the U.S. Senate, which is set to consider the bill early this week. U.S. President Joe Biden, who has continued to greenlight arms sales to Israel amid clear evidence of war crimes, is expected to sign the measure if it reaches his desk.

 Arms Move Contrary to Law

U.S. law prohibits "arms transfers that risk facilitating or otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law," according to a White House memo issued in February.

The U.S. State Department has said repeatedly that it has not found Israel to be in violation of international law, a position that runs directly counter to the findings of leading humanitarian organizations and United Nations experts.

The investigative outlet ProPublica reported last week that a "special State Department panel recommended months ago that Secretary of State Antony Blinken disqualify multiple Israeli military and police units from receiving U.S. aid after reviewing allegations that they committed serious human rights abuses" prior to the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack on southern Israel. ProPublica further noted:

"But Blinken has failed to act on the proposal in the face of growing international criticism of the Israeli military's conduct in Gaza, according to current and former State Department officials."

Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), said in a statement on Sunday that senators "should reject sending additional weapons to Israel not only because our laws prohibit military aid to abusive regimes, but because it's extremely damaging to our national interests."

DAWN's advocacy director, Raed Jarrar, added that,

"At a time when Israel is bracing for International Criminal Court arrest warrants against its leaders, members of Congress should understand that approving more military aid could subject them to personal liability for aiding and abetting an ongoing genocide in Gaza. Rather than sending more weapons to Israel Congress should declare an immediate arms embargo on Israel."

Original article:

Strategic Culture Foundation
23 Apr 2024 | 6:01 pm

5. Geopolitics of human trafficking: How Western regime-change operations enable criminal activities

According to a recent investigation, Kiev regime is heading a big international scheme of slave trade.

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The slave trade in Ukraine has become one of the most serious problems of our time. Since the 2014 coup d'état, Kiev has been a key player in modern slavery, particularly for human trafficking and sexual exploitation networks. The political and social instability that has affected the country since the Western-led regime change operation is one of the main factors for the growth of such human rights violations.

A recent investigative report published by the Foundation to Battle Injustice showed in details the seriousness of the slave trade in Ukraine. According to the organization, Kiev has become one of the main global hubs in the human trafficking market, with free exploitation and circulation of irregular workers – in addition to the well-known trafficking of women and children in the predatory sex market.

The study points out that more than 300,000 Ukrainians were victims of the slave market between 1991 and 2021. This situation, however, has deteriorated even further since Vladimir Zelensky came to power. It is estimated that since the beginning of Zelensky's government, more than 550,000 Ukrainians have been enslaved. These numbers are alarming and place Ukraine as one of the main agents of human trafficking in the entire world.

In its report, citing sources familiar with the topic and several insiders, the Foundation exposed how the slave trade in Ukraine is not limited to the exploitation of Ukrainian citizens. Since 2021, two reception centers for refugees from Africa have been operating in Ternopil. These facilities were used not only for receiving migrants but also for selling them on the European black market. An alleged member of the Ukrainian Presidential Cabinet, on condition of anonymity, reported to investigators that the organizer of the Ukrainian human trafficking network is Ruslan Stefanchuk, current chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

It is said that Stefanchuk is the main beneficiary and coordinator of human trafficking networks in Ukraine, working both in the sale of Ukrainian citizens on the international black market and in the exploitation of foreigners who arrive through migratory flows and are handed over to criminal networks in Europe. Relatives of the Ukrainian parliamentarian also appear to be involved in such activities, as a large network of private companies is legally registered in the name of people close to him, such as his brother, Mykola Stefanchuck, and his wife, Marina Stefanchuk.

Stefanchuk and his relatives' companies have the function of disguising the slave trade, making it appear to be a legal business. Advertisements are made to "help" people in various ways, such as offering employment or financial assistance. Thus, migrants, refugees and vulnerable Ukrainians are lured into meetings and interviews by supposedly legal and responsible companies, but soon after the meetings their documents are confiscated, and these people are captured and handed over to criminal networks.

"Everything is built to look as legal as possible. Ukrainian women, children and men are invited for interviews at respectable companies in Kiev, Ternopil, Lviv or Ivano-Frankivsk. They are made tempting financial offers and paradisiacal working conditions. Then, under a plausible pretext, their identity cards are confiscated. After that, they can do absolutely anything they want with them," source told investigators.

This type of situation is not surprising. In Ukraine, several crimes are committed with impunity by high-ranking state officials. Illegal work, sexual exploitation of women and children, military enlistment of children and even organ trafficking have been frequently reported in the country. It is worth remembering the case of Vasily Prozorov, a former Ukrainian secret service agent who emigrated to Russia and has done important work exposing Kiev's crimes. According to him, there is a criminal network of trafficking and exploitation of Ukrainian children in pedophile schemes in which Western officials are deeply involved.

Prozorov claims that Ukrainian children are sold by the SBU to British sexual predators with assistance from the London secret service. Sexual slavery is the fate of most of the children who mysteriously "disappear" in Ukraine – many of whom are ethnic Russians captured in regions close to the front lines by the so-called "White Angels", who are Ukrainian agents working for pedophile networks, but disguised as "rescuers". It is also worth remembering that Prozorov recently suffered an assassination attempt by Ukrainian intelligence service, which shows that his work has worried Kiev.

It is easy to understand why Ukraine has become a hub for international human trafficking. Kiev experienced a regime change in 2014 and since then all Ukrainian citizens have been subjected to a lawless repressive regime. The increase in extremism, terrorism and crimes against human rights are direct consequences of the political and institutional chaos in post-2014 Ukraine. And this is not an exclusive characteristic of Ukraine.

Previously, Libya went through a similar experience, with a Western-led regime change operation being successful and taking the country to the most absolute political and social crisis. Since then, the Libyan territory has been widely recognized by international investigators and observers as the main hub for the slave trade on the African continent. The absence of a strong and effective government in guaranteeing law and order has been a key factor for criminal groups to operate with impunity.

Western intelligence networks cooperate with criminal organizations involved in human trafficking because this is an easy way to generate illegal and untraceable money. As well known, Western intelligence agencies are involved in terrorist activities, political assassinations and financing of color revolutions. These activities cannot be publicly declared as they involve acts of a criminal nature, so obviously Western state agencies cannot use public money in these actions. So, "black cash" is used, coming from illegal sources such as these lucrative and immoral schemes of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and slave trade – in addition to activities such as drug trafficking, irregular arms trade and others. In other words, crimes committed in countries controlled by the Collective West generate funds which Western intelligence is able to use out of the eyes of the public accountability.

It is possible to say that there is a kind of geopolitics of human trafficking, in which Western interventionism plays a vital role in enabling crimes that supply Western intelligence agencies with illegal money. Ukraine and Libya are perhaps the greatest evidence of this.

Strategic Culture Foundation
23 Apr 2024 | 4:04 pm

6. BBC boosts Ukraine’s falling morale by slandering Russia’s war dead

Whatever the true number of Russian and Ukrainian military and civilian dead, no glory is due to the slatterns of the BBC, just as no glory was due to the cross dressing crackpot Cirillo.

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MI6's BBC outlet is at it again. This time, in a disgusting effort to boost Ukraine's flagging morale, they featured a story by their crack Russian unit explaining how Russian graveyards are full to the brim of soldiers who fell in Ukraine. As always with the MI6's B team, it is the sort of misinformed guff that belongs in a badly edited student newspaper rather than in such a globally prominent propaganda outlet.

Or indeed in the website of Ukraine's Ministry of Misinformation. If we first go to Ukraine's site, we see that the Russkies are getting a right mauling, with some 442,880 soldiers dead up to April Fool's Day, 2024. Although Wikipedia parrots those numbers by using the same tainted NATO sources, to put them in context, Wikipedia claim that the United States lost a relatively modest 58,281 dead during its genocide campaign in Vietnam, and the Watson Intstitute claims that the United States lost 7,057 troops in the Afghan and Iraqi campaigns, with a much higher number, 30,177, committing suicide.

Other things being equal then, the Russkies should be up in arms against their government over these deaths in Ukraine. But other things are not, of course, equal. First off, as a quick Google search shows us these numbers of Russian dead are part of a vociferous NATO echo chamber, we can see no need as to why this should be a major NATO news story today unless Russia is experiencing the turbulence the United States did during its Vietnamese cull or if the BBC has brought additional information to light, thus making it a story worthy of coverage today. Or, of course, as we suspect, that the BBC has once again been leaned on to put its shoulder to the NATO wheel.

That is certainly the impression we get from this Politico article, which claims that the morale of Ukraine's Armed Forces is crumbling as their casualties exponentially mount. The pleas of Clown Prince Zelensky and the rest of Kiev's circus for more arms, more sanctions and more Swiss bank accounts certainly seems to help counter BBC's flagging line that Russia is on its knees. As do all the tiktok and Twitter videos of Ukrainian grandfathers and pregnant women being frog marched off to the front.

This is not to negate the BBC argument but to say that the Ukrainian war has got less hands on media coverage than perhaps any other since the Korean war. And, though much of that lack of direct coverage has been due to the use of long range drones and artillery rather than the preponderance of close hand to hand fighting, much more of it has been due to the way both High Commands are conducting their affairs.

Zelensky is, of course, literally an overpaid NATO clown, whose pronouncements should be treated with the same level of gravity those of any other circus clown should be treated. Having the cross dressing Sarah Ashton-Cirillo as the cross dressing Zelensky's main spokesperson only reinforced their clownish approach to media matters.

Although the Russians have taken a number of independent journalists near to the fighting, their approach has put far more emphasis on the bomb and the bullet than the soundbite. In lobbing some pretty serious ordnance Ukraine's way, Russia has not only been setting the ground rules in their war against NATO but calling the shots when it comes to the long haul in the media war. Though Zelensky and his paymasters can deny or spin the facts till the cows come home, denying Russia's military might takes lies of a different magnitude and quality.

And that is where MI6 and the BBC, both of which essentially see themselves as subcontractors to the CIA, come in. If we check out the linked in pages of Kirsty Brewer, Becky Dale and the Russian born Olga Ivshina, all we see is three young women who, by their CVs, belong more in the women's pages writing about nail varnish, female empowerment and boob jobs, than doing an in depth study on Russia's fallen.

Their BBC article is worth looking at not so much to glean information about Russia but to get a further appreciation of how mediocre NATO's press reporting is. Although these women will be able to add an extra line to their CVs, there is no extra information in their piece that could help bring an end to hostilities even a millimeter nearer.

The article begins by telling us that Russia is using meat grinder tactics, sending its troops in like they were charging across no man's land in the First World War. As we have already pointed out, Ukraine is mostly a long-distance war, with meat grinding tactics being selectively used to clear out particularly heavily defended strategic positions.

Although these three women's use of the passive case might be appropriate in them declaring that "the term meat grinder has been used to describe the way Moscow sends waves of soldiers forward relentlessly to try to wear down Ukrainian forces and expose their locations to Russian artillery", the understanding I got from seasoned military analysts like Douglas Magregor and Scott Ritter was that the Ukrainian troops were being sent into a meat grinder by carefully laid traps of the Russian High Command, facilitated by the contempt their Ukrainian equivalents have for their expendable draftees.

Although as against that, these three BBC stooges say that "BBC Russian, independent media group Mediazona and volunteers have been counting deaths since February 2022", I would ask why Russia's internal security services are not monitoring BBC and other agents who lurk around graveyards and who cosy up to relatives of Russia's fallen.

Although the three women claim that "our teams [plural case] also combed through open-source information from official reports, newspapers and social media," I would counter that Russia's internal security services should be hauling those teams in for long and in depth fireside chats. Here, for example, is an article I wrote commenting on the Pope's slanders against Buryats and Chechens serving in the Russian Armed Forces. Now, if we accept that the Buryats and Chechens played not insignificant roles in Ukraine, how did the BBC teams collect and collate those Siberian and Caucasian deaths? Although that is a key research methodology question, it is one those Buryats and Chechens who do not want foreign controlled "teams" suicide bombing them should pay particular attention to.

No such attention should be paid to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and similar NATO funded groups the BBC cites. Although Russia did, regrettably. suffer heavy losses storming Ukraine's heaviest defended citadels, such battles, which bled Ukraine dry, have been outliers and have not typified the overall war, just as General Giáp's Tet Offensive did not typify the Vietnam war. Also, when Russia intervened in the Syrian war on behalf of the heroic Syrian Arab Army, they not only trained them but gave them much better kits and tools to defend themselves. The evidence of the BBC's legions of dubiously anonymous witnesses notwithstanding, it is inconceivable from any standpoint that Russia would not do the same for its own troops on its own Ukrainian doorstep.

War Studies graduate Samuel Cranny-Evans disagrees. He tells the BBC that all of Russia's "experienced soldiers are now likely to be dead or wounded… and have been replaced by people with little training or military experience – such as volunteers, civilians and prisoners".

NATO's High Command knows that to be utter nonsense. Russia has developed a conveyor type system to systematically train its more recent recruits before putting them anywhere near the front lines and even NATO have had to admit that Russia's fortifications, which helped break the back of Ukraine's counter-offensive, were built to exacting standards. Unlike Ukraine, Russia is not recruiting pregnant women into its ranks as it has no need to.

Although the three BBC women prattle on about meat grinders, the Wagner Group, supposed mutinies and former prisoners serving on the front line like they are Generals Patton, Rommel and Zhukov talking to a group of simpletons, they totally miss the point. The historical relevance of the Wagner Group is that they allowed the Russian High Command to develop a new form of hybrid and asymmetric warfare, systems and orders of battle that have proved not only invaluable in a range of conflicts throughout Africa, West Asia and Ukraine but which will again prove their worth in the military challenges that lie ahead.

Although the BBC makes much of the Wagner Group and the prisoners who fought in its ranks, what is particularly concerning is "the BBC has spoken to families of prison recruits who died – and soldiers still alive – who told us the military training offered to prison recruits by the defence ministry is insufficient". Perhaps so, but what Russian officials are enabling these BBC agents to prance about Russia interviewing people few outside of their social circle would know?

Assuming that is not more of the BBC's Russophobic porkies, the overall tone of the article, as well as the picture of fallen Russian soldiers accompanying it, is in appalling taste. Whatever the true number of Russian and Ukrainian military and civilian dead, no glory is due to the slatterns of the BBC, just as no glory was due to the cross dressing crackpot Cirillo. Russians and Ukrainians have better things to do than die in a war that only enriches Zelensky's backers and titillates those who are too thick to see MI6's discredited BBC outfit for the sleazy war pornographers that they are.

Strategic Culture Foundation
23 Apr 2024 | 2:52 pm

7. The 2024 Olympics in Paris, echoes of Berlin 1936

The U.S. and its allies have arrogated a political prerogative to exclude Russia in a way that would have been unimaginable with the USSR.

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Berlin, Germany, in 1936, hosted the Olympic Games fraught with international tensions. The Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler had seized power in 1933. Berlin won the bid to host the games at the 29th International Olympic Committee Session on April 26, 1931.

It was the first time that the quadrennial sporting event was to be televised, with radio broadcasts reaching 41 countries. Germany wanted to show the world that it was a modern, prosperous, and democratic country. For the occasion, the anti-Semitic slogans were removed, which not only concerned Jews but also Gypsies (Romani), the Slavic people, Africans and Asians.

Comparisons can be readily made with the international tensions and vested political ambitions of the 2024 Olympics to be held in Paris from July 26 to August 11. French President Emmanuel Macron has personally sought to make the event a showcase for presumed national prowess. The political orchestration and propaganda efforts are similar to the Berlin games of 1936.

Eighty-eight years ago, German Jewish athletes were barred or prevented from taking part. Lithuania was expelled from the Olympic Games due to Berlin's position regarding Lithuanian anti-Nazi policy, particularly because of the Trial of Neumann and Sass in Klaipėda, Lithuania, in 1934–1935. How ironic that Lithuania was not allowed to participate at the time when now this small Baltic country has become one of the most fascist nations in Europe and rabidly Russophobic. For the Paris Olympics 2024, Russia and Belarus are de facto banned from participating, sanctioned so to speak, as the new enemy of Europe, or perhaps still the old enemy. Nothing seems to have changed since 1936.

France has now stepped into the role of the National Socialist regime led by Adolf Hitler. To fully appreciate the French leadership now in 2024 would require analyzing their predominant mass media and the mentality of their politicians and elites. For example, Sébastien Chenu, a French politician who is a member of the National Assembly, and openly gay, praised France's nuclear weapons for bringing independence and for France being a nuclear superpower, outside of NATO. Or Vincent Desportes, a French reserve general, goes one step further and proclaims in a television program that Russia fears France the most. France's nuclear capabilities could destroy Russia, he said. Maybe he's suffering from egotistical insecurity known as the Napoleon Complex. France is at the center of discussions about the participation of Russian athletes in the Olympic Games and its political consequences. Of course, Russians and Belarusians are allowed to participate as "neutral" individuals, but without their flag, and must distance themselves from the special military operation called war in the West.

In other words, they should hardly be Russian or Belarusian present at the games because they should be labeled as neutral, preferably gender neutral of course, following the example of the LGBT sect prevalent in the West.

In 1936, the Nazi party was obsessed with nudity and pompous nude figures. Everywhere there were these kitsch imitations of Roman and Greek sculpture with of course an Aryan appearance. A film called Olympia by Leni Riefenstahl was also made to exalt Germany's delusions of grandeur. Now, in 2024, the new fascist sect obsesses about perfectionism of the body, the so-called LGBT sect (based on transhumanism), which allows so-called transgender people, who were once men to participate as a woman or vice versa. This goes against fair competition. After all, the (transformed) woman still has the strength of a man, otherwise, the (transformed) man will probably lose to the "real" man.

In ancient times, the Olympic Games, first played in Olympia, Greece, were used to assess the military strength of states and countries, a bit like the "military games" in modern times. Athletes who proved to be dangerous opponents represented a strong country, while weak athletes represented a weak state or a country vulnerable to attack. Physical results in sports can be an indication of a country's strength. Despite all the slogans in modern times that the Olympic Games should not be used as a political tool, that is of course the case, and nothing has changed since ancient Greece. We now see it happening again with the stand-off between Russia and the West in a way redolent of the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

The difference now is that the U.S. and its Western/NATO allies have arrogated a political prerogative to exclude Russia in a way that would have been unimaginable with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.  Russia can no longer demonstrate its strengths in sports on the "Olympic battlefield".

French leaders claim that Russian athletes are willing to endure insults and humiliation to compete and serve the West's global interests. French leaders blatantly lie that Russia is ceding to Western interests over Russia's well-being or they are too weak to respond on the battlefield, citing their alleged lack of response to provocations such as attacks by French SCALP missiles on Russia. The truth is Russia is retaliating and killing French mercenaries deployed in Ukraine.

In January 2024, Russia delivered a precise strike at a temporary deployment area of foreign mercenaries near Kharkov. Most of the killed military personnel in that strike were citizens of France. The building where the mercenaries were deployed was destroyed. More than 60 troops were eliminated and more than 20 wounded were transported to medical facilities.

To the disgust of many French people, French military personnel have been recruited to fight in Ukraine alongside the likes of the Azov Battalion which is an openly Neo-Nazi paramilitary fully integrated with the NATO-backed Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Olympic Games are therefore a vivid example of how the event is used to project propaganda and aggression from France and NATO toward Russia.

The ancient Greek tradition of ekecheiria (armistice) was the cornerstone of the Olympic Games in antiquity, providing security and a peaceful environment for both the athletes and the spectators in attendance.

So, today, French leader Emmanuel Macron appeals to the ancient tradition and says he wants a truce for the Paris games. What nonsense! Macron supposedly seeks a truce while still denigrating Russia with insulting restrictions on its athletes. Macron is another French politician who suffers from the Napoleon Complex. (See our latest SCF editorial on the subject.)

Security measures will also be scaled up in Paris this summer. Tourists have been told they will not be allowed to view the opening ceremony along the Seine River for free from the riverbanks as the French government has scaled back its ambitions amid ongoing security concerns. On March 24, 2024, France raised its security preparedness to the highest level following a deadly attack on a Moscow concert hall, and as with other NATO states claimed the Islamic State was behind the attack. Another lie. Russian investigators have established that Ukraine was instrumental in the attack that killed over 144 people in the Crocus City Hall venue on March 22. The West, including France, responded immediately, within an hour of the atrocity, and categorically asserted that an Islamist group, Islamic State Khorasan (IS-K), was responsible.

Other NATO countries follow France's frenzy regarding sports. The German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser wants a total ban on all Russian athletes entering Germany for any international competition. Putin should not be given a propaganda platform, she said.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said she hopes that Russian athletes will not be allowed to participate in the Paris Olympics even under neutral flags, and she added, they will not be welcome at the opening ceremony on July 26.

By contrast, Israeli athletes are fully welcome, Hidalgo told Reuters in an interview.

Since October 7, 2023, a genocide has been raging in Gaza perpetrated by the Western-backed Israeli regime. The International Court of Justice has deemed the violence constitutes a "plausible genocide". Nevertheless, as far as the French state is concerned, Israel is welcome with open arms to participate in the Olympics in full national colors without the slightest censure. Such hypocrisy among the European and American elites is heinous and repugnant.

Russia will not be bullied by the West. The counterpart of the Olympic Games is the Friendship Games. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law regulating the preparation and holding of the World Friendship Games in Russia. The competition will be held in Moscow and Yekaterinburg in 2024, with 5,500 athletes participating.

Strategic Culture Foundation
22 Apr 2024 | 11:03 pm

8. La incertidumbre del imperio

Estados Unidos pasa por un momento complejo en aspectos políticos, económicos y de relacionamiento internacional

Kenneth COATES

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En su mayoría, los indicadores económicos son positivos, pero la gente no parece compartir las expresiones de conformidad que llegan desde las altas esferas de gobierno. Persiste la incertidumbre y una vaga sensación de desconcierto que quizás se deban a la percepción de que todo puede deteriorarse rápidamente.

El efecto Kennedy

En el terreno político electoral, por ejemplo, no se recuerdan épocas modernas de enfrentamiento tan radicalizado como la presente. En ambos partidos tradicionales, el republicano y el demócrata, priman posiciones extremas que buscan descalificar al adversario y desacreditar su gobierno. Solo en circunstancias límite –como la necesidad de autorizar incrementos presupuestales para evitar el cierre de actividades esenciales de gobierno– las partes acuerdan sobre la hora una extensión transitoria.

Las campañas electorales internas (primarias) de cada partido, a todos los efectos prácticos, han concluido, resultando en la confirmación de una revancha entre Biden y Trump. Una parte importante del electorado rechaza esta opción, preguntándose cómo es posible que en un país de 340 millones de habitantes la única alternativa sea entre dos expresidentes de avanzada edad cuya lucidez y equilibrio son cuestionados.

Ante esta disconformidad, ha comenzado a ganar terreno la candidatura independiente de Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr., hijo del senador Bobby Kennedy y sobrino del expresidente Jack Kennedy, ambos asesinados en la década de los años sesenta. Aun cuando encuestas preliminares sugieren que RFK Jr. difícilmente pueda superar el umbral del veinte por ciento de las preferencias, la pregunta que hoy surge es a cuál de los dos candidatos mayores podrá perjudicar en mayor grado. Los indicios preliminares sugieren una leve desventaja para Biden.

En resumen, a pesar de sus frecuentes encuentros con el sistema judicial, no habrá impedimentos a la candidatura de Trump. De ser así, las consecuencias podrían ser desestabilizantes. Pero está lejos de tener la victoria asegurada: ya perdió una vez contra Biden y su comportamiento posterior le ha costado adhesiones. Falta mucho aún para las elecciones de noviembre, que por el momento parece que serán de alquilar balcones.

Las pausas de la FED

Con un crecimiento del 2,5 por ciento del PBI durante 2023, Estados Unidos se destacó como una de las economías más dinámicas entre las avanzadas. Máxime que las expectativas comenzaron dicho año con sesgo negativo en vista de la seguidilla de aumentos en la tasa de interés hasta el mes de julio, que desde entonces se ha mantenido.

No solo no se produjo el temido aterrizaje forzoso, sino que la economía continuó creando empleos a un ritmo sostenido. El desempleo se mantuvo en niveles históricamente bajos y los salarios comenzaron a repuntar. En términos interanuales, los sueldos del último trimestre de 2023 aumentaron en 5,4 por ciento. El salario mensual promedio se ubica cerca de los cinco mil dólares.

Los mercados financieros han acompañado el repunte con niveles récord en los índices bursátiles, aunque con marcada volatilidad en función de las expectativas en torno al camino de las tasas de interés. Ello a su vez se relaciona con el progreso en abatir la tasa de inflación. Luego de un marcado descenso en el año el IPC se estabilizó en torno al cuatro por ciento en su versión subyacente (excluyendo componentes de alimentación y energía).

Ante dicho comportamiento, la FED ha interrumpido el descenso de su tasa de política monetaria, señalando que retomará dicha senda en la segunda mitad del año con tres rebajas del 0,25 por ciento si las circunstancias lo ameritan. Ello coincidirá con los últimos meses de la campaña política. Los mercados financieros suelen ingresar en etapas eufóricas cuando bajan las tasas, ya que ello abarata el costo de su materia prima, el dinero.

El gasto fiscal y el escenario mundial

Dentro de este panorama relativamente favorable, deben tomarse en cuenta dos riesgos importantes, el fiscal y el global. El déficit del año fiscal 2023 fue de 1,7 billones de dólares, equivalentes al 6,7 por ciento del PBI. Es un nivel excesivo y solamente accesible merced al rol del dólar como moneda de reserva internacional. La deuda pública de Estados Unidos hoy alcanza un cociente del 123 por ciento del PBI, con visos de seguir creciendo con base en el desequilibrio fiscal imperante. Dichos niveles representan un riesgo a la estabilidad del dólar.

Este nivel de gasto responde a varias causas, tanto internas como internacionales. El 62 por ciento del gasto responde a programas sociales (seguridad social, salud, desempleo), el once por ciento a intereses y el veintisiete por ciento a gastos discrecionales (defensa y otros). Este último componente se divide en partes iguales tanto en aspectos directamente militares como en programas destinados a reforzar la industria nacional en áreas de producción de energía, cuidado ambiental y fortalecimiento de las cadenas de aprovisionamiento de insumos críticos. Autonomía estratégica, al decir de Macron.

La dirección general del gasto sugiere un cambio de prioridades que confirma no solo una tendencia de desglobalización del comercio, sino también el advenimiento de un mundo menos hospitalario que en décadas recientes. Las tensiones se van agravando, como vemos en Europa central y el Medio Oriente, y los grandes serán llamados a actuar.

Por ello, a pesar de los resultados económicos, la tónica general es de cautela. Las bases del gasto son la política monetaria, la fiscal y el endeudamiento, que pueden proporcionar dividendos pasajeros, pero eventualmente deberán rendir cuentas.

Publicado originalmente por La incertidumbre del imperio | La Mañana (

Strategic Culture Foundation
22 Apr 2024 | 4:17 pm

9. Geopolítica do tráfico humano: Como as operações ocidentais de mudança de regime permitem atividades criminosas?

De acordo com uma investigação recente, o regime de Kiev está à frente de um grande esquema internacional de comércio de escravos.

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O comércio de escravos na Ucrânia tornou-se um dos problemas mais graves de nossos tempos. Desde o golpe de Estado de 2014, Kiev tem sido um ator fundamental na escravatura moderna, especialmente nas redes de tráfico de seres humanos e de exploração sexual. A instabilidade política e social que tem afetado o país desde a operação de mudança de regime liderada pelo Ocidente é um dos principais fatores para o crescimento de tais violações dos direitos humanos.

Um recente relatório de investigação publicado pela Foundation to Battle Injustice mostrou em detalhes a gravidade do comércio de escravos na Ucrânia. Segundo a organização, Kiev tornou-se um dos principais polos globais do mercado de tráfico de pessoas, com livre exploração e circulação de trabalhadores irregulares – além do conhecido tráfico de mulheres e crianças no predatório mercado sexual.

O estudo aponta que mais de 300 mil ucranianos foram vítimas do mercado de escravos entre 1991 e 2021. Esta situação, no entanto, deteriorou-se ainda mais desde que Vladimir Zelensky chegou ao poder. Estima-se que desde o início do governo de Zelensky, mais de 550 mil ucranianos tenham sido escravizados. Estes números são alarmantes e colocam a Ucrânia como um dos principais agentes do tráfico de seres humanos em todo o mundo.

No seu relatório, citando fontes familiarizadas com o tema e vários especialistas, a Fundação expôs como o comércio de escravos na Ucrânia não se limita à exploração de cidadãos ucranianos. Desde 2021, dois centros de acolhimento para refugiados da África funcionam em Ternopil. Estas instalações foram utilizadas não só para receber migrantes, mas também para os vender no mercado negro europeu. Um suposto membro do Gabinete Presidencial Ucraniano, sob condição de anonimato, relatou aos investigadores que o organizador da rede ucraniana de tráfico de pessoas é Ruslan Stefanchuk, atual presidente da Verkhovna Rada.

Diz-se que Stefanchuk é o principal beneficiário e coordenador das redes de tráfico de seres humanos na Ucrânia, trabalhando tanto na venda de cidadãos ucranianos no mercado negro internacional como na exploração de estrangeiros que chegam através de fluxos migratórios e são entregues a redes criminosas na Europa. Parentes do parlamentar ucraniano também parecem estar envolvidos em tais atividades, já que uma grande rede de empresas privadas está legalmente registrada em nome de pessoas próximas a ele, como seu irmão, Mykola Stefanchuck, e sua esposa, Marina Stefanchuk.

Stefanchuk e as empresas de seus parentes têm a função de disfarçar o tráfico de escravos, fazendo-o parecer um negócio legal. Os anúncios são feitos para "ajudar" as pessoas de diversas maneiras, como oferecendo emprego ou assistência financeira. Assim, migrantes, refugiados e ucranianos vulneráveis são atraídos para reuniões e entrevistas por empresas supostamente legais e responsáveis, mas logo após as reuniões os seus documentos são confiscados, e estas pessoas são capturadas e entregues a redes criminosas.

"Tudo é construído para parecer o mais legal possível. Mulheres, crianças e homens ucranianos são convidados para entrevistas em empresas respeitáveis em Kiev, Ternopil, Lviv ou Ivano-Frankivsk. São feitas ofertas financeiras tentadoras e condições de trabalho paradisíacas. Depois, sob um pretexto plausível, os seus cartões de identidade são confiscados. Depois disso, [os criminosos] podem fazer absolutamente o que quiserem com eles", disse a fonte aos investigadores.

Este tipo de situação não é surpreendente. Na Ucrânia, vários crimes são cometidos impunemente por altos funcionários do Estado. O trabalho ilegal, a exploração sexual de mulheres e crianças, o alistamento militar de crianças e até o tráfico de órgãos têm sido frequentemente relatados no país. Vale lembrar o caso de Vasily Prozorov, um ex-agente do serviço secreto ucraniano que emigrou para a Rússia e fez um importante trabalho expondo os crimes de Kiev. Segundo ele, existe uma rede criminosa de tráfico e exploração de crianças ucranianas em esquemas de pedofilia nos quais as autoridades ocidentais estão profundamente envolvidas.

Prozorov afirma que crianças ucranianas são vendidas pela SBU a predadores sexuais britânicos com a ajuda do serviço secreto de Londres. A escravidão sexual é o destino da maioria das crianças que misteriosamente "desaparecem" na Ucrânia – muitas das quais são de etnia russa capturadas em regiões próximas das linhas da frente pelos chamados "Anjos Brancos", que são agentes ucranianos que trabalham para redes de pedofilia, mas disfarçados de "resgatadores". Também vale a pena lembrar que Prozorov sofreu recentemente uma tentativa de assassinato por parte do serviço de inteligência ucraniano, o que mostra que o seu trabalho tem preocupado Kiev.

É fácil compreender por que a Ucrânia se tornou um centro de tráfico internacional de seres humanos. Kiev sofreu uma mudança de regime em 2014 e, desde então, todos os cidadãos ucranianos têm sido submetidos a um regime repressivo sem lei. O aumento do extremismo, do terrorismo e dos crimes contra os direitos humanos são consequências diretas do caos político e institucional na Ucrânia pós-2014. E esta não é uma característica exclusiva da Ucrânia.

Anteriormente, a Líbia passou por uma experiência semelhante, com uma operação de mudança de regime liderada pelo Ocidente a ser bem sucedida e a levar o país à mais absoluta crise política e social. Desde então, o território líbio tem sido amplamente reconhecido por investigadores e observadores internacionais como o principal centro do comércio de escravos no continente africano. A ausência de um governo forte e eficaz na garantia da lei e da ordem tem sido um fator-chave para que os grupos criminosos operem com impunidade.

As redes de inteligência ocidentais cooperam com organizações criminosas envolvidas no tráfico de seres humanos porque esta é uma forma fácil de gerar dinheiro ilegal e não rastreável. Como é sabido, as agências de inteligência ocidentais estão envolvidas em atividades terroristas, assassinatos políticos e financiamento de revoluções coloridas. Estas atividades não podem ser declaradas publicamente porque envolvem atos de natureza criminosa, pelo que obviamente as agências estatais ocidentais não podem usar dinheiro público nestas ações. Assim, utiliza-se "caixa negro", proveniente de fontes ilegais como esses esquemas lucrativos e imorais de tráfico de pessoas, exploração sexual e comércio de escravos – além de atividades como tráfico de drogas, comércio irregular de armas e outras. Por outras palavras, os crimes cometidos em países controlados pelo Ocidente Coletivo geram fundos que a inteligência ocidental é capaz de utilizar fora dos olhos da contabilidade pública.

É possível dizer que existe uma espécie de geopolítica do tráfico de seres humanos, na qual o intervencionismo ocidental desempenha um papel vital na viabilização de crimes que fornecem dinheiro ilegal às agências de inteligência ocidentais. A Ucrânia e a Líbia são talvez a maior prova disso.

Strategic Culture Foundation
22 Apr 2024 | 4:08 pm

10. Invasión de la Embajada de México en Ecuador: Colapso del derecho internacional

EEUU tenga que enterrar el derecho internacional y sumir al continente en el caos.

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El mundo contempló atónito cómo la Policía ecuatoriana allanaba en Quito la Embajada de México en el país para cumplir una orden de detención contra el exvicepresidente Jorge Glas, acusado de corrupción en un caso que levanta numerosas sospechas.

Jorge Glas fue vicepresidente de Ecuador entre 2013 y 2017, periodo que correspondió a las presidencias de Rafael Correa y Lenín Moreno, hasta que en diciembre de 2017 fue condenado a seis años de prisión por presunta corrupción en licitaciones de obras que habrían sido entregadas a cambio de pagos a la empresa brasileña Odebrecht.

El caso tuvo lugar en el contexto de la Operación Autolavado, que en su día llevó a la cárcel al presidente brasileño Lula, así como incalculables daños en empleos, inversiones y obras que afectaron principalmente a Petrobras y Odebrecht. En Brasil, muchas decisiones relacionadas con la Operación Autolavado han sido revocadas y anuladas en los últimos años -naturalmente, debido principalmente a las nuevas relaciones de poder entre las élites políticas y económicas de Brasil-, pero no se puede ignorar que las pruebas utilizadas para garantizar las condenas durante los casos de corrupción relacionados con la Operación Autolavado eran extremadamente endebles.

De hecho, la mayoría de las condenas se basaron en "acuerdos de culpabilidad", es decir, cuando un investigado afirma tener información sobre otros acusados y la entrega a las autoridades a cambio de una serie de beneficios, entre ellos la inmunidad judicial. Este mecanismo, inexistente hasta ahora en la mayoría de los ordenamientos jurídicos iberoamericanos, es una evidente importación estadounidense.

La Operación Autolavado fue reconocida desde el principio — basta con echar un vistazo a los escritos de Andrew Korybko — como parte de un esquema de lawfare dirigido desde EE.UU. contra importantes empresas brasileñas, con EE.UU. reclamando jurisdicción universal a su Departamento de Justicia a través de una disposición que le autorizaba a investigar y perseguir cualquier caso de corrupción, en cualquier parte del mundo, siempre y cuando cualquier ciudadano o empresa estadounidense estuviera involucrado en cualquier parte del supuesto esquema.

Como lawfare, este tipo de estrategia "anticorrupción" llevada a cabo por jueces y fiscales previamente educados en EE.UU. se reveló como parte del arsenal de armas de la guerra híbrida permanente del Occidente atlantista.

En el caso de Jorge Glas, encontramos los mismos indicios y elementos peculiares, y llama la atención que la condena de Glas también se produjo únicamente por un "acuerdo de culpabilidad". Por lo tanto, es plausible un carácter político en su caso.

Por lo tanto, el caso debe situarse en el contexto de la victimización de Ecuador en las tácticas de guerra híbrida del Occidente atlantista. Este contexto incluye también el giro occidental de Lenín Moreno, sucesor de Rafael Correa, responsable de la entrega de Julian Assange a las autoridades británicas, así como el descenso de Ecuador a una crisis narcoterrorista (que, a su vez, requiere medidas de "estado de excepción" como respuesta) que culminó con los atentados generalizados de Quito en 2023.

Lo sorprendente, sin embargo, es que se haya llegado al extremo de violar principios básicos del derecho internacional en la "lucha contra la corrupción".

La inmunidad diplomática y la inviolabilidad de las embajadas es un principio tan antiguo que prácticamente puede considerarse una ley natural aplicada a las civilizaciones humanas. Esta inmunidad, es decir, el respeto a la persona y a los bienes de un emisario extranjero portador de documentación oficial (posteriormente extendida a los establecimientos físicos en los que estos emisarios desempeñan sus funciones, cuando las embajadas se hicieron permanentes ya en la Edad Moderna) es algo ya descrito por el historiador griego Heródoto, y también está presente en el Corán y entre los reinos del subcontinente indio.

De hecho, a lo largo de la historia se han desencadenado innumerables guerras específicamente por ofensas a la integridad de los diplomáticos, como la invasión mongola del Imperio Caspio. Incluso durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una de las más duras y destructivas jamás libradas sobre la faz de la tierra, las naciones beligerantes respetaron las embajadas, garantizando la evacuación de los funcionarios de los países enemigos a través de los países neutrales.

Sin embargo, Ecuador no tiene la culpa de la violación más grotesca de la inmunidad diplomática y del carácter sagrado de las embajadas en los últimos años. Ese deshonor corresponde en realidad a Israel, que días antes de que la policía ecuatoriana asaltara la embajada mexicana, bombardeó los locales utilizados por la misión diplomática iraní en Damasco.

En ese bombardeo, que fue de hecho un crimen según el derecho internacional (razón por la cual la moderada reacción iraní dos semanas después puede considerarse legítima), Israel asesinó a 16 personas, entre ellas civiles. Como canto fúnebre por la muerte del derecho internacional, la llamada "comunidad internacional" (es decir, Estados Unidos y sus aliados) no condenó en su mayoría el ataque terrorista israelí.

No es posible señalar directamente que la invasión de la embajada mexicana no se habría producido sin el bombardeo israelí, pero es obvio que cada violación del derecho internacional que se tolera sin un castigo claro debilita aún más la estructura general de las normas internacionales.

Así, lo que está quedando claro es que el colapso del momento unipolar (ese intento de EEUU de imponer su orden como norma universal) va acompañado también de un debilitamiento generalizado de cualquier sentido del orden, especialmente a manos de las potencias que se sienten en desventaja en esta fase de transición internacional. Como resultado, nos acercamos a una especie de "estado de naturaleza" internacional hobbesiano, en el que cada Estado actúa exclusivamente en función de sus intereses inmediatos, sin tener en cuenta la preservación de la armonía y el equilibrio internacionales.

Pero volviendo a la incursión en la embajada, resulta curioso que se produjera pocos meses después de la firma de acuerdos de cooperación militar entre Ecuador y EEUU, en el contexto de los atentados narcoterroristas que tuvieron lugar en Quito el año pasado (atentados que despertaron muchas sospechas, gracias a los notorios vínculos históricos entre los cárteles de la droga y el Estado Profundo estadounidense) y que supusieron un incremento de la presencia norteamericana en el continente.

Por si quedaba alguna duda sobre el servilismo del nuevo gobierno ecuatoriano a EE.UU., hace unos días The Intercept demostró que Ecuador estaba actuando como apoderado de EE.UU. para presionar internacionalmente en la ONU contra el reconocimiento de la condición de Estado de Palestina.

En la práctica, de hecho, todo esto confirma la lectura que apunta a un aumento de la presión estadounidense sobre Iberoamérica, en una estrategia que combina elementos militares, jurídicos, culturales y policiales, en una especie de actualización de la Doctrina Monroe, con el objetivo de garantizar la hegemonía sobre las Américas frente a sus derrotas geopolíticas en otras partes del mundo.

Aunque, para ello, EEUU tenga que enterrar el derecho internacional y sumir al continente en el caos.

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