
All Terror Attacks Are Psyops

by Jon Rappoport on Jon Rappoport

Whether the Boston Marathon murders were staged as a false flag, and if so, by whom, there are certainly contradictions in the media story line so far.

Mike Adams, at natural news, has pointed out several key absurdities in the official scenario, including the apparent controlled demolition of a bomb at the JFK library, a mile away from the explosions at the Marathon finish line.

This demolition, unreported by the press, was mentioned just before it took place, by a Boston Globe tweet: "There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities."

The demolition would have taken place about an hour after the two explosions at the Marathon finish line, which means the bomb squad was able to find the Library device, rig it for demolition, and blow it up in record time.

Whatever the cause of the fire/explosion in the Library, that "incendiary device" was spent, and the bomb squad found another unexploded bomb on the premises.

A local Boston TV reporter, Eileen Curran, took a photo of the Library. The exterior of the building, at the employee's entrance, shows blackened walls. If the "electrical fire" or the "incendiary device" caused this damage, the room in the Library where the fire or explosion took place must have been just inside the building. No media sources are specifically reporting that, which seems quite odd.

The press is merely stating there was a fire in a room in the Library. The fact that the fire was quite close to an entrance certainly rates a mention. It adds juicy media drama to the report. But there is no coverage of the fact.

All terror attacks, no matter who launches them, have a psychology. They have a purpose. Inducing fear, of course. Causing the public to give in to a new set of "security regulations," which tighten the screws on freedom, of course. Painting some designated group as heinous, of course.

The third Monday in April, is Patriot's Day. It commemorates the April 19, 1775, opening battles in the Revolutionary War against England, at Lexington and Concord. Previously celebrated on April 19th, it is also the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing (1995), and the final FBI attack on the Waco, Texas, Branch Davidian compound that killed 76 men, women, and children (1993). April 15 is also tax day.

So some media commentators are already opining that "anti-tax-pro-patriot-anti-government" persons are behind the Boston murders.

At an elite level, where psyop research is conducted, the psychology of terror attacks involves disrupting the normal perception of reality.

Most people live their days in a more or less steady state of mind. They perform routine tasks over and over. They see their daily environment as quite familiar. All this produces what could be called a light trance.

If that seems improbable, notice what happens when something completely unexpected intrudes on habitual perception and experience. Shock is what happens.

It's as if the person had been sleeping and suddenly and forcibly wakes up.

On a quiet residential street, a car plows into a lamp post. On a peaceful boulevard, a gust of wind blows a sign from its hinges into a store window, smashing it.

People are shocked. They look up. "Wow. Where was I?" Yes, it's like waking from a dream.

Multiply that effect by a thousand. Bombs go off. The sounds of the explosions, the shock waves, people falling, people bleeding, grotesque injuries, death. In the space of a few seconds, and on a street where nothing ever happens.

And one layer removed from this, the world watches it unfold on television.

It's a rip in the fabric of perceived reality. Right now.

Retired psyop planner, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), told me in a 2002 interview: "People think it's very esoteric to talk about disruption in the space-time wave. But setting up certain psyops is very much about that. The theory of these operations has everything to do with the fact that people exist in an average and consistent space-time wave.

"They become used to that. They're not even aware of it. So a psyop can go two ways. It can encourage that form of sleep, to make it continue. Or it can blow people right out of their wave into something that's very disorienting.

"In the latter case, you're forcing people out of their average perception of space and time, but you're not giving them anything to replace it. They're hanging in a void, so to speak.

"What's the result? People desperately want a resolution of the psyop, so they can return to their former continuum. And because they feel desperate, they'll take whatever and whoever you give them. You can say a deer chewed on a power cable and blew out the power for the entire east coast for a week, and they'll believe you.

"And that's what you want. The ability to say anything and have people believe you."

I asked Medavoy if this included peppering the public with contradictions in the official account of a terrorist attack.

"Of course," he said. "They'll overlook those contradictions. They won't pay any attention to them. They're so panicked, they just want a resolution. You can plug in anybody as the guilty party, and they'll buy it."

Later in the conversation, I went back to the subject of the "space-time wave."

Medavoy said: "The psychology on this is clear. An overwhelming percentage of people deal with space-time in a passive way. They receive it, so to speak. They are presented with that fundament of reality and they blindly accept it. Therefore, when you take it away, they're lost. A tiny percentage of the population, those who are intensely creative, react differently. That's because they are, in a real sense, projecting their own space and time."

Psyops planners who stage events are aware of these factors. They want to create a world, a picture of a world, that is in dangerous flux and absolutely requires our "leaders" to stop that flux.

One of my more vivid experiences of this came in the mid-1980s. I was interviewing a relative of a soldier who died in Vietnam. When the subject of whether the war was justified came up, he flew off the handle. He went into a towering rage.

The fact that his cousin had been killed there automatically made the war a necessary policy of the government, a correct action. That conclusion stopped the unbearable flux for him. Otherwise, he was lost.

It was, of course, that way on 9/11, too, and in many other such instances.

There is a psychology operating here, and it isn't merely some academic brand of nonsense. It cuts to the heart of how people literally exist in reality, and how it affects their deep response to events managed by professionals, who understand that psychology.

    last comments from Jon Rappoport
    ajmacdonaldjr 28 Apr 2013 | 8:05 pm

    Boston Marathon Explosions: Police Detail Three Blasts in City


    Mark Hatch 19 Apr 2013 | 6:31 pm

    People just flat-out don't care anymore, most anyway. The only thing they're interested in these days are self-fulfillment, self-pleasing temporary things. Especially younger people, no respect FOR THEMSELVES which leads directly to no respect FOR OTHERS. It's a can't miss. The morals and morale in this country are in the toilet, and we ARE flushing. And these insane bombings, and attacks on innocents..they're the plugging of the whole mess.No matter how much you try flushing, it's not gonna happen. Bad analogy? Maybe..maybe not.

    Mark Hatch 19 Apr 2013 | 6:09 pm

    So easy to understand when put in this context. People are sheep, exactly that. More or less in a daze, a mind-numbing haze where they go about their daily routine(s). Anything that upsets the 'rhythm' of the routine and they're looking for explanations..anybody, just someone to tell them 'it's all gonna be ok'. Watching the Boston bombings, the POST 9/11 world we live in and these people are still wondering HOW this could possibly be happening in MY world?! They don't realistically adapt and confirm to themselves that "there are BAD, MEAN, UGLY people out there that WANT TO KILL US, ALL OF US. Because they don't like what/who we are and therefore WILL NOT tolerate us sharing this earth with them. PERIOD.

    LadyRavenSDC 18 Apr 2013 | 3:55 pm

    Reblogged this on LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH!.

    bydesign001 17 Apr 2013 | 10:59 pm

    Reblogged this on PUMABydesign001's Blog and commented:
    For those who continue to slumber, it's on you.

    Herb Herbert 17 Apr 2013 | 10:50 pm

    Notice how fast they are getting to the bottom of this!!! You know Benghazi has to be a cover up, it's been over six month and still nothing. I like to see the live feed from the drone, suppressing evidences Obama, like all your personal records, Obama, what do you have to hide????

    Jon Rappoport ~ All Terror Attacks Are Psyops | Shift Frequency 17 Apr 2013 | 8:13 pm

    […] Jon Rappoport's blog April 16 2013 […]

    Vytautas Kerbelis (@VKerbelis) 17 Apr 2013 | 5:05 pm

    The bad apple in the basket gets to much media attention saudi used Bin Laden threats so many times that jewish media gave them what they wanted to power their own interest.

    Gina 17 Apr 2013 | 4:38 pm

    Will it ever end? They have us hopskotching from one false flag to the next, without missing a single beat. Anyone talking about Sandy Hook anymore? Aurora? Ruby Ridge? 21,343,545 other Big Lies they have created in the past? Didn't think so.

    One can only hope that the massive, endless series of lies is somewhere, somehow registering in the collective consciousness of the universe, waiting to explode and rain down upon the sleeping masses.

    Otherwise, Cowardly Karl Rove will be shown by history to have been proven right, "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

    Gunny G 17 Apr 2013 | 4:35 pm

    Reblogged this on AMERICAN BLOGGER: GUNNY.G ~ WEBLOG.EMAIL and commented:

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